Chapter 28

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Our trip to visit Bella and Drew had to be cut short because Taylor had gotten sick. When we had to get her home, we went to go see Steve. Bella and Drew protested and said that the physician can take care of her, but we said we should get her back here to make sure nothing serious had happened.

When we got back, we took Taylor over to Steve and he said she just needed some rest and then she would be better. We went back home and after the kids were in bed, I headed back downstairs and found Matthew on the couch looking at something. "Hey what are you looking at?" I asked

"O nothing. Did you get the kids to bed?" he said puting the thing he was looking at away.

"Ya they're asleep. I know you were looking at something, what was it?"

"Like I said before, nothing. So did you like hanging out with Bella and Drew?"

"It was great. I think Taylor really liked it." I said and kissed him. We hadn't had a lot of alone time while we were gone, so that meant not being able to do everything we normally did. He pulled back and looked at me. "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No you didn't do anything. I'm just trying to remember this moment." he said and we kissed again. Matthew helped me onto the couch and we curled up together. "I just want to hold you okay?"

"Okay." I said. I turned over so my back was facing Matthew. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me.

We must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up to someone shaking me. "Mommy, why are you asleep on the couch." Taylor asked me.

I shock my head to get the cobwebs out. I felt behind me and Matthew wasn't there. I turned to Taylor and said, "I guess I fell asleep. Where's Daddy?"

"He's in the kitchen making breakfast."

"Thank you Taylor."

"Your welcome Mommy." Taylor said and ran away.

I sat up and rubbed my head. I felt a hand go on my arm and I looked up. "Hey are you doing okay?" Matthew asked

"Ya I'm fine. Why didn't you wake me up when you got up?"

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to. I don't think sleeping on the couch was a very good idea."

"I don't think so either. Taylor said you were making breakfast. What are you making?"

"Just something. Stay right here, I'll be right back with some food." he said and got up and went into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he walked back out with a plate of food. It was a german pancake with jam and powdered sugar on it.

"Matthew, you remembered."

"O come on of course I did. I never forget things that are important to you and this is one of them. If it's important to you it's important to me."

I took the plate from him and took a bite. "It's really good. Thank you for making it."

"Your welcome. Now finish up while I go make sure Taylor isn't getting into any trouble." he said and got up to check on Taylor. When he got back down here, I finished up eating and had set my plate on the coffee table. "So, did you like it?"

"I loved it. Thank you." I said and kissed him.

Once Taylor was all better, Matthew and I took her and Olly to the park. I rolled up to a bench Matthew had sat on. "So the other day, I caught you looking at something. What was it?" I asked

"It was just a book. I don't think you'll like it very much." he said

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's a non-fiction book. I know you well enough to know that you don't like them."

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