Chapter 15

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It's been about two years since my parents went missing. I am now a junior in high school. Matthew and I have been together since my 16th birthday and it's been amazing. Right now we are doing something called spring semester. We just started it a couple of days ago. Spring semester is something to help kids at our high school get their credits in and if we had all of our credits that we need by the end of our junior year we could graduate early and not have to take our senior year of high school. All of my friends and I will have all of our credits by the end of spring term, so that will be nice.

Today Matthew is going to take me out to dinner and a movie. I have eaten at every place on the island and I have also seen every movie that is in the movie theater but I don't care because I'll be spending the night with one of the people I love the most. Then I heard someone knocking on the front door so I went to see who it was. When I opened the door I saw that it was Matthew. "Hey Matthew, you know you don't have to knock when you come over, you can just come in. The door wasn't locked."

"Ya I know, I just want to see your beautiful face without scaring you." he said

"I thought that our date wasn't until tonight. I'm still in my pajamas."

"Your right that our date isn't until tonight but I thought that I would just drop in and see if you needed anything." he said but what I didn't know was that he was going to ask me a very important question tonight. One thing I like about him was that he could keep a secret really well if he wanted to even around me.

"No I don't actually need anything right now, do you want to come in?"

"I have to get to the store for my mom, she wanted me to get some things from there."

"Do you want any help with that? I can always come, I'm not doing anything right now so it won't be interrupting anything."

"No that's okay, but thank you. Well I have to get going, so talk to you later?"

"Talk to later. Bye Matthew, see you tonight."

"See you tonight sweetheart." he said and we kissed before he left. Then he started to walk down the sidewalk to the store. I just stood in the doorway staring off into space. Just then Jada walked up.

"Hey Jada how are you doing?" I said

"I'm doing good. What did Matthew want?"

"He was just wondering if I need anything from the store."

"What did you tell him?"

"What do you think I told him? I told him I didn't need anything. I was just making myself a sandwich. Would you like one?"

"What kind?"

"Peanut Butter and Jam."


"Alright then come on in."

"Are you excited for tonight?"

"What? O right, ya I am."

"Do you know what you guys are doing?"

"I know that we are going out for dinner and a movie, but I don't know what restaurant we're going to or what movie."

"That sounds like fun. Has he told you anything about what else you guys are doing tonight?"

"No why did he tell you anything?"

"I just heard a rumor that yesterday he bought something shiny for you, but I don't know what. Would you have any ideas?"

"Not one, but I hope it's something really nice." I smiled just thinking about what he could have gotten me. I finished making Jada's sandwich and handed it to her "Here is your sandwich Jada. I should go find something better to wear for tonight."

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