Chapter 29

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Today is the third anniversary of Matthew's death. I had decided that I didn't want Talyor to know what had happened to Matthew until she had gotten older and I feel like she is starting to have some questions about what happened to him. At the time I told her that Matthew had gone on a secret undercover mission for the government and she believed it. She'll be turning ten in a couple of days and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep telling her that I don't know when Matthew's going to come home.

"Hey Mommy. I have to do a project for school on one of our parents. I want to do it on Daddy, but I don't know a lot about him. Do you think it will be okay if I call him and ask him some questions?" Taylor said

I took a deep breath and said, "Taylor come sit on the couch for a second. There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"Okay. What is it?" she said and sat on the couch

"Do you remember when you and Olly stayed at Grandma's house a couple of years ago, while Daddy and I had to go on a trip?"

"Ya. Then when you got back Olly and I stayed at some of your friends houses because Daddy had to go on a secret undercover mission for the government."

"Exactly, but Daddy never went on a secret undercover mission for the government. Your Dad and I had to go and visit Bella and Drew because they needed us to find a safe place for their daughter. Just after we left the castle, we were ambushed. Your Dad told me to run and get the princess to safety. He told me he would be right behind me. When I got to the spot we were supposed to be at, he wasn't behind me. I waited a long time before coming back. I left the princess at the orphanage and then went home."

"What are you saying, Mommy?"

"I'm saying that Daddy isn't ever coming home, because he can't. He's not alive anymore."

"No, he's alive. He has to be. How do you know he isn't alive anymore?"

"I got a letter from Bella and Drew saying that they found his body on the steps of the castle. By the time they had gotten to him, he had already died. There was nothing they could do for him. I'm so sorry sweetie." I said. I could tell she wanted to cry but wasn't going to do it in front of me. She got up from the couch and ran upstairs to her room. I heard the door shut behind her and I sighed.

"Mama, what's wong?" Olly asked

"Nothing sweetie, nothing's wrong."

"Then why you cwring?"

"Because I love you and your sister so much." I said and I heard the front door open. Ocean and her boyfriend, Lucas walked in.

"Aunty Auddy, Uncle Lucus." Olly said and waddled over to them.

"Hey little man." Lucas said and ruffled his hair. We had met Lucas last year at the fourth of July parade that our community holds every year. "Hey Toothless. Where's Taylor?"

"Upstairs in her room." I said and smiled weakly at Ocean

"You told her, didn't you?" she asked

"Ya I did. She wanted to do her school project on him."

"Told her what about who?" Lucas asked. I had told Ocean I didn't want Lucas knowing about Matthew until I felt right about telling him about Matthew. All he knew about Matthew was that we had known eachother since our Freshman year and that he wasn't around anymore. He didn't even know Matthew's name.

"It's nothing Lucas. Just something that happened a long time ago." Ocean said

"Okay, but I'm going to get something out of you guys soon. It's like you guys don't want me to know about your past. I kind of feel left out because you guys know almost everything about me."

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