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i pumped my four fingers deeper, harder and faster to the point that my fingers came in contact with that particular 'rough spot' inside her. i watch her face - her mouth is wide open and her eyes are shut.

i dive in to suck her breast and nibble her erect, hard nipple. i can feel her walls tightened around my fingers indicating that she's near.

"ahh!~ oh my god! ryujin~" she shouted in pleasure as her hot liquid gushed down on my fingers. i keep thrusting my fingers to rode out her orgasm and soon, i collapsed on top of her.

"fuck, you're so good, ryujin." she breathe out.

i giggled and gave her one last kiss before i stood up, leaving our pure sin on the white sheets of this bed. i pick up my clothes on the ground and wore back my undergarments.

"when are you going to call me again?" she asked while wearing back her shorts.

"it depends on my schedule." i answered as i zipped up my high-waisted pants.

this girl right here? she's one of my booty call lists. i'm supposed to be at my condo right now but i just sneaked out.

i'm shin ryujin, i have my ways. i want it? i got it.

and you know, i'm just a normal girl, with a normal body. i also want someone to satisfy my needs. i'm so sick and so frustrated from just watching a porn and touching myself.

i disguised myself to avoid some paparazzi because camera is everywhere. and i hate media.

after i wore my black hoodie, a black cap, and a facemask, i took out my wallet.

"hey----," i stopped. oh, fuck, i forgot her name. bobbie? teddie? gabbie? alex? toti marie? bobo? argh, i can't really remember. well, damn it.

"hey, bitch." i called her and handed the money to this girl as a thank you for satisfying my horny ass self.

she stood up infront of me and she's still not wearing any shirt on. her breast is saying hi to me. damn.

"oh.. thanks....." she grabbed the money and i saw how she bit her bottom lip sensually, "daddy."

i gulped when i heard that word. dang, i want to slam her on the bed again and fuck her all night long. i'm about to touch her boobies and pull her closer to me but my phone suddenly started ringing.

"fuck." i frowned and i heard the girl giggled.

i took out my phone and answered the call.

"hey tan--"

"ms. shin, where are you? ms. myoi just called me. she asked me if you're here and i answered yes. i think she's going here anytime soon to check you out." the receptionist of my condo informed me and panic is evident on her voice. her name is tangah, she helped me to sneak out of my condo.

"oh, shoot. alright. thank you, tangah." i responded back and hung up the call.

"i gotta go, now." i didn't wait the girl to speak as i dashed out from the motel room.

i didn't use my own car because the media is familiar with it, especially dispatch. so now i'm here at the motel sidewalk, waiting for the uber to come. i signed up in uber with my fake name, of course.

it's dark and the streets are illuminated by the yellow postlights. i roamed my eyes around the place to check if there are people or cameras and thankfully, there is none.

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