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a/n: pls don't kill me?


"fuck," heachan groaned and blinked multiple times when his eyes became blurry. but he just ignored it and accelerated his car faster than usual because he can't wait to touch the girl sitting next to him.

they arrived to his place safely. he parked his sports car on the garage and hurriedly hopped out.

heachan started to feel dizzy and sleepy, but his horniness is making him awake. i took a lot of wine, that's why. he thought.

"you smell so damn good, ryujin.." he blurted out, sounding like a maniac when he carried the blonde in a bridal style as he entered his house.

heachan almost stumbled on the ground on his way upstairs, but still managed to lay ryujin down on his bed.

"the drug hits you hard.." haechan whispered and leaned closer to ryujin, "but i'm going to hit you hard more.." he smirked.

heachan stood up and took off his white polo, revealing his six-packs abs and well-toned arms. the thing between his legs is getting harder and harder as his eyes were glued to ryujin's body.

he then walked towards the cabinet, but he suddenly held on the handle when his dizziness became intense. he closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, trying to cool himself down. after some seconds, he opened his eyes again and opened the cabinet to grab a condom.

but when he turned around to walk towards the bed again, his head was hit by a hard metal, causing him to fell on the wooden floor.

"bitch, catch me if you can, haha!" ryujin chuckled while holding heachan's M-Countdown trophy for the best artist award.

"wait, i t-thought.." heachan frowned while caressing his head. he's trying to fight the sleepiness that he's feeling, but the drug hits him hard.

"i knew it," ryujin threw the trophy on the ground, "i'm good at acting bitch, and i exchanged our drink, you dumb fucking asshole."

- flashback -

heachan smiled and handed the glass of wine to ryujin, "let's take a drink, first."

ryujin glared at heachan first before accepting the wine.

but before heachan could hold his own glass,

"buy me those mocha breads later," ryujin pointed her index finger on the cashier counter of the restaurant which made heachan to turned his head around to look at the bread.

as heachan's eyes were locked on the bread, ryujin hurriedly exchanged their drinks without heachan noticing it.

ryujin is such a brilliant person.

- end -


that time, i wasn't really sure if he put a drug in the drink. i just don't trust him and he was looking at my drink suspiciously. so i pretended like i was getting affected by it so that i could go home early and it turns out, i was right.  i then waited for the right time to hit this man like ddu-du-ddu-du.

so to the girls out there, don't you ever try to accept drinks from strangers.

haechan didn't say anything anymore. he's fighting to open his eyes but he failed. he is now passed out, snoring out loud.

i then roamed my eyes around his room, trying to find his key. i couldn't see it so i tried to check his pocket.

"gotcha!" i exclaimed as the sound of the key echoed around his room, "let me borrow your car, bitch." i kicked his thigh one more time before walking towards the garage.

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