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"hey.." i waved my hand infront of yeji's face as my other hand gripped around her wrist. she's still didn't respond to my question.

"c-can you say it again?" yeji stuttered.

"lucy. you're lucy, right?" i repeated my words again and finally, she nodded slowly, locking her eyes on mine.

i know, i'm too dumb. i didn't realize that she is the lucy that i met. her physical appearance is so different today. she had bangs, black hair and a little chubbier before. based on her looks back then, she was a geek. a very cute geek wearing plain shirts paired with baggy pants. but now? she's still cute and hot but she already has a good fashion sense.

- ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋ -

it's been 4 weeks since i attended got7 concert. actually, i just wanted to jam their songs and to watch the members in personal but look at me now. it's my 3rd week here in JYPE building as a new recruit trainee, aspiring to be an idol and i became friends with some got7 members. and because of that, i dropped school.

"ryujin, this is so dangerous!" chaeryeong whisper-yelled to me. i'm holding her hand as we climbed down the stairs of the emergency exit of the dorm.

"we'll be back before sunrise, don't worry." i assured her, not letting go of her hand while dragging her.

soyeon texted me about the huge party on their neighbourhood. for 3 weeks, the only thing that i did was to dance and sing. i already miss my lifestyle before. i miss drinking, i miss partying, and i miss my girls.

"what if we get caught?" chaeryeong stopped, making me to stopped two steps ahead from her, "c'mon ryu, let's go back to our room."

this girl right here is my roommate and i think, i'm a bad influence to her because i'm always dragging her to risky situations.

i then looked up to her, "you don't really want to go?" i asked sincerely.

she lowered her head and nodded slowly. chaeryeong is very innocent, soft person and so afraid of the rules. unlike me. we have an opposite characteristics.

i sighed, "okay okay.." i let go of her hand and took one step up to reach her. i patted her shoulder, "just message me if i need to go back here, alright?"

she looked up to me and flashed a small smile while nodding, "i'll call you right away, ryu. just please be careful. you know the rules here in JYPE." concern is evident on her voice.

3 rules i hated the most about JYPE. one, we have curfew; two, no drinking; and three, dating ban.

"i will, ryeong." i gently tapped her cheeks, "bye~ bye!" i said in a whisper-yell tone and continued to go down the stairs.

"don't get drunk!" i heard chaeryeong's voice and i just nodded as climbing down the stairs.

fast-forward, i arrived at the address that soyeon had given to me earlier. i can already hear the blasting of music outside the house. i was about to enter the house but suddenly i heard a shout coming from the garage.

so, i entered the garage and i saw three men on the corner, laughing and shouting. it looks like they're threatening and bullying someone.

i saw a steel pipe on the graphite floor. i didn't hesitate to grab it and help this person to get away from these assholes.

"hey, back the fuck off." i said sternly as i  held tight on the pipe while patting it on my other palm.

the three men turned around to face me. and girl, trust me if i say that they stopped laughing and the wide stupid grin on their faces suddenly vanished when they distinguished me.

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