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believe me when i say that the first person who kissed you and tasted every inch of you is difficult to forget, especially if there was no love involved. it's honestly quite regrettable. my first kiss and my v-card has been wasted on a womanizer. so, everyone, don't spread your legs easily to whomever.

mina unnie interrupted our conversation yesterday and we didn't get a chance to have a private talk again. despite the fact that i had already stated the truth about why i despise ryujin so much, she continues to act in the same manner. she continued to seduce me throughout the day.

i think, ryujin doesn't know the word 'stop'.

anyway, ryujin's team will visit a small village in busan. we'll be staying there for 3 days and 2 nights. i don't want to go, but i don't have any choice. i just want to finish this job.

"see you soon, baby!" felix exclaimed with his deep voice while waving his hand, "take care, love you!" he then blew a kiss.

"you too! bye!!" i smiled and blew him a kiss before i hung up the call.

after i talked with felix via video call, i hurriedly double checked my bag to see if i had forgotten something.

"eomma! i'm going now!" i shouted as i climbed down the stairs, holding my backpack.

"alright, honey, take care!" my mom shouted from the kitchen.

i then went towards the shoe rack and took out my white adidas sneakers. i kneeled down my one knee to tie up the shoelace when i heard the 'beep' sound indicating that ryujin's team is already here to pick me up. i quickly tied up my shoes and dashed away from the house.

i noticed a black van parked in front of our house, waiting for me. i was halfway down of our stepping-stone pathway, when i heard my mother's voice.


i immediately turned around. i was surprised when my mom threw a small, brown paper bag to me. fortunately, my muscle flexes are quick, so i was able to catch it quickly.

"you haven't eaten yet. i made you a mocha bread!" she yelled, huge smile plastered on her face while waving her one hand.

that gesture of my mom makes my lips to curve up. i then raised the paper bag, "thanks eomma! ba-bye~!" i blew her a kiss before i approach the black van.

i was about to hold onto the van's door handle when it slides open, revealing this obnoxious blonde girl who was already grinning at me. and she even winked. i rolled my eyes in return.

ugh. i can't wait this deal to be over. i only have 1 week and 2 days.

i saw mina unnie sitting on the shot gun seat. damn this, i'm going sit right next to ryujin.

"good morning, mina unnie." i greeted her cheerfully as i sat down comfortably on the brown leather seat and placed down my backpack on the vehicle's mat. mina unnie greeted me back with the same energy.

the van had already accelerated and as expected, ryujin opened her mouth.

"how 'bout me?" ryujin uttered with a hint of hurt, making me to look at her with a boring expression, "you're not going to greet me?" she furrowed her brows and pouted. 

with her double-low bun hairstyle, she looks like a baby when she pouts. she's adorable.

i hissed and rolled my eyes again, "morning." i said coldly. then i grabbed the small paper bag that was given to me by my mom. as soon as i open it, a sweet scent filled my entire nostrils, making my tummy growl. i saw two medium size mocha bread that made my eyes sparkle.

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