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hi bitch, go get down on your knees because hwang yeji, a sexy, fearless, gorgeous and a bisexual woman is here and she will ruin your fucking life. as long as her intimidating cat-eyes will met your eyes, you'll surely die immediately, you son of a bitch.

nah, just kidding. hihi.

hello. i'm hwang yeji, a cute, kind, and adorable human being. but i'm not that innocent as what you think. *wink*

i'm a professional photographer and a cinematogrophist in a well-known magazine company here in seoul. so now i'm infront of my laptop, editing the pictures that i took last night while waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up here in our house.

i'm going to treat him a lunch because damn, my passenger last night paid 500,000 won to me, it is equivalent to $400. it's too much for an uber driver, actually. 

although my paycheck from my work is enough, i decided to be an uber driver as a sideline so that i can take pictures in different cities while still receiving some extra money.

"yah, unnie! look!" i was startled when my cousin, lia, shoved her phone to me and showed me the video of her idol.

a smile crept into my face when i saw shin yuna, a famous Korean model, talking on her newest vlog.

"she's so cute!" i squealed because damn, her visual is overflowing.

"i know right!" lia agreed and sat next to me, still holding her phone.

yuna's vlog was filled by overflowing cuteness and i can't help but smile throughout her video. but my bubbly face immediately vanished when i saw her sister on the camera.

"tss.." i hissed and moved my eyes back to my laptop.

"you really hate shin ryujin, huh." lia addressed and nudge my side.

then i suddenly recalled what my passenger told me last night. i should use her money to buy shin ryujin's album, but uh-uh, never.

"i told you, she's a bitch." i said irritatedly.

i'm not gonna lie. she's... she's hot.. yeah. and very attractive..

but her attitude? her attitude is such an ass. she's so rude bitch. she doesn't have any respect to other people especially to the personnel of media.

"don't judge her, unnie." lia protested and paused the video, "maybe she has a reason why she acted like that towards your media team."

i deeply sigh.

it's more than that...

i looked at my cousin very intently, "let's change the topic." i plastered a fake smile and move my gaze back to my laptop.

"fine." i heard lia heaved a sigh, "i saw your boyfriend with another girl yesterday."

i hitched when i heard her words. i felt a sudden pang on my chest, "m-maybe it was just his co-officemate." i said, almost a whisper.

i tried to convince her - or more likely, i tried to convince myself. but i know, felix will not do something stupid again.

lia scoffed and rolled her eyes, "c'mon unnie. break up with that asshole already." she held my hand, "you deserve some--"

she was cut off when my phone started ringing. my face lit up when i read the caller i.d. but i heard lia hissed.

i answered the call and brought my phone to my ear, "hey babe! where are you?" i said cheerfully.

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