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fuck you, jyp.

those three words kept echoing in ryujin's mind while jyp was discussing his plan to fix the problem. there are numerous ways to solve it, but the monkey chose the most stupid one.

according to jyp, ryujin and heachan will act like they are a "real" couple infront of the public eyes until the issue will lost its flames. they will go in public dates, post couple stuffs in social media, and be partners in every music award shows.

yes, it's very stupid, because that idea came from a stupid person.

and why does he chose heachan to be ryujin's fake boyfriend? remember when they took a picture? that photo became a hit to the fans and it received positive feedbacks. they keep shipping the two, showing their support for that celebrity pair.

SM Entertainment, which haechan's agency, and JYPE agreed to this idea because they'll going to receive new different advertisements that offers high amount of money.

for ryujin, this situation is going to be hell, but for heachan, it feels like heaven for him because finally, he can make a move to his female celebrity crush.

anyway, jype and heachan's management had already set a date for the two celebrities. and now,  ryujin and heachan are having a dinner in a finest restaurant in town.

"what do you want to eat?"  heachan asked while looking down on the menu, searching for a food. he's trying himself to calm down because well, his crush is infront of him, and it's natural to be uneasy when you're with someone you like.

ryujin, however, was disgusted by this idea. obviously, she doesn't like men. she hates hotdogs.

"i don't know," ryujin answered with her cold voice and closed the menu, "perhaps, my girlfriend?" she blurted out before sipping the water.

heachan narrowed his eyes to the blonde girl with a confused look. he was aware with ryujin's issue, "do you really have a girlfriend?" he raised his brows and placed down the menu on the table.

ryujin sighed deeply. she then roamed her eyes around the restaurant, checking if someone might hear them before answering, "yes, i have a girlfriend. i'm gay, heachan." she responded in a hushed tone but in such a way that heachan could still hear it.

so those pictures were indeed real. heachan thought. he then smiled while staring back to ryujin, "i like you, ryujin and i can make you straight again."

hearing those words made ryujin's eardrum to shake. she rolled her eyes, trying to control her temper.  "i'm a straight as a circle." she spatted back, "and are you deaf? i said i have a girlfriend. i'm taken."

"i like challenge," heachan grabbed the glass of water and sipped it. he doesn't want to miss this opportunity. he was a given a chance to make a move to the person he likes, so he took it. there's no turning back for him.

ryujin scoffed, "no matter what you do, you can't change the fact the i'm inlove with my girlfriend." she shook her head.

"let's see," haechan simply answered and a smirk on his face is still evident.

"whatever," ryujin rolled her eyes, "i'm just going to the bathroom." she then stood up and walked away.

ryujin wants to sneak out, but she was aware that there are guards and paparazzis outside the restaurant. every move made by her is closely followed by the media.

the blonde entered the bathroom and locked the door. she immediately pressed her palms on the countertop while looking at her reflection on the mirror, trying to calm herself down. she looked so stress, but still looking so gorgeous.

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