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western cuisine such as carbonara pasta, pizza, french fries, paired with mocha frappes were the meals that lia and yuna ordered in a private restaurant in seoul. today is saturday, a free day for yuna. and as you can tell, the two became good friends.

"i'm so full~.." lia uttered cheerfully while rubbing her tummy like a kid.

"i want more---- *burp*" yuna quickly covered her mouth and giggled softly, "excuse me. hihi." she then cleared her throat, "as i was saying.. i want more food."

lia arched her brow while wiping her lips with the tissue, "you've already ate a lot of food and you're still hungry?" they are sitting across from each other.

"can you blame me? the meals are bomb!" the younger exclaimed exaggeratedly. her face transformed into a bunny face whenever she smiles. yuna then raised her hand, trying to catch the attention of the crew, "uh.. excuse me?" she uttered in a nice tone.

"really? you're going to order a food again?" lia voiced out, letting out a soft chuckle as she shook her head.

the restaurant crew gave a menu book to each one of them. the crew took out his pen and small notebook from his pocket, waiting for the orders from the two.

"i'm just going to take out a food.." yuna pondered while eyeing the meal on the menu, "and.. i'm going to bring a food to my bitch best friend."

lia moved up her eyes towards the younger when she heard the word 'bitch', "who's that bitch best friend of yours?" she wondered.

then, yuna answered lia's question, but the older girl didn't heard it because someone caught her attention.

two people had just entered the private restaurant. one of them is wearing a facemask and a bucket hat, making it hard for lia to distinguish the person. but, lia can easily recognized the other person whose wearing a black cap.

"felix." lia breath out in low tone. i thought he's still in taiwan? lia thought.

felix is in the restaurant, not with a woman, but with a man. lia's brows met in the middle as she observed the actions of felix. by judging his action, they are so sweet to each other.

suddenly, felix roamed his eyes towards the direction of lia. the latter immediately covered her face with the menu book, avoiding felix's gaze.

on the other hand, yuna kept telling lia stories while her eyes were remained fixed on the menu, oblivious to the fact that lia's attention was diverted away from her.

lia pulled down the menu book, her forehead and eyes were uncovered. this is a private restaurant. a restaurant for korean celebrities. who's with him? lia thought again.

lia fished out her phone and took a picture of felix secretly. yeji must be aware of this.

"and that's where i met her." yuna ended cheerfully, still not noticing that lia's attention was not on hers. "anyway.. can i have this chicken---"

"let's go." lia placed down the menu book and quickly wore her pink bucket hat.

"w-what? but--" yuna was cut off when lia hurriedly held her wrist.

"just call for a delivery. let's go." lia commanded in a whisper-yell tone. yuna was so confused but she simply obliged her unnie. the younger rapidly wore her facemask and a black cap before leaving the restaurant.

yuna opened her car and the two immediately entered the vehicle, yuna behind the steering wheel while lia is in the shotgun seat.

"what the heck is happening?" yuna wondered, trying to find out what's going on with this sloth.

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