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what a small world we live in.

the girl that i texted was now sitting on the couch infront of me

"well.." i placed down the glass on the vanity table and stood up from my seat. i walked towards my wardrobe cabinet and held the handle to open it.

"i just want to know the reason why do you hate me so much?" i began while scanning the clothes inside the wardrobe, "because last night, i can really feel your hatred towards me and--"

she cuts me off and stuttered, "t-that's y-you? my p-passenger?"

i turned around to face her and i looked at her with my mischievous smile. her eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly parted.

i leaned against the door of the cabinet and crossed my arms, "it's okay. you don't have you to say sorry. i'm already imun-"

"who says that i'm going to say sorry to you?" she snapped back and showed me her bitch face, making me to stop talking.

wow. i like her attitude.

i chuckled softly and shook my head, "c'mon, tell me, why do you hate me so much?"

she breath in and stared at my eyes sharply, "for shouting at my media team and breaking my car's windsheild while we were trying to capture you in order to put your photos out there for your fans." she stated firmly and that made me raised my brows.

oh, so they were the paparazzi who were patiently waiting at my house? well, i kinda lost my temper that time....

i keep my smirk on my face as i let her continue telling her side, "i've been in this industry for so many years and you're the only one celebrity that has this kind of attitude."

i kept my smile on my face as i talk, "it is so annoying to have people in the cars following me around almost every time i go out," i defended myself.

yeji scoffed and rolled her eyes, "of course, all of their eyes are on you."

"it is so frustrating when media will made up stories about me all the fucking time." i added and chuckled bitterly.

"what do you expect? you are a famous celebrity, ryujin." yeji stated with a tone of irritation.

"i know." i quickly spat back, "but don't you know the word privacy?  i just want to rest that time. i don't want everything in my life to be photographed." i shook my head.

"we are just doing our job." she retorted, "and you don't need treat us like that. you should've talk to us in a nice way. you should still respect us."

"how can i respect your team if they're not respecting my privacy?" i countered back with such a confidence.

and that last statement of mine made yeji to stop arguing with me. she opened her mouth but nothing came out of it and she quickly shut her mouth.


i plastered a smirk and my feet started to move towards her.

"i'm not a bad bitch person as what you thought, yeji.." i said huskily while untying my red robe slowly, not breaking my intense gaze to her.

"yes. you. are." she blurt out with too much conviction.

i let out a chuckle.

"maybe i am a bad bitch..." i unconsciously lick my lips, 

"i'm a bad bitch in a different way, yeji."  i said with my raspy voice and now, my robe was already loose, revealing my black bra and my cycling shorts.

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