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"what?!" i whisper-yell when nayeon unnie told me that our client is none other than the k-pop idol that i hated the most. we are now inside the private studio with some staffs, who are fixing the lights and backdrops as we wait for ryujin to come.

"unnie~" i whined and held her arm, "can you choose another photographer?" i requested.

"you're the only who's available today and ryujin's team wants to have a preeminent expert in photography. and you're our ace in terms of that profession." nayeon unnie explained with her calm voice. she patted my arm and smiled widely, her cute bunny teeth appeared.

i breath out sharply "you know how much i hate her. she's so freaking impolite and--"

"are you referring to me?" a cold, husky voice made me stop on whining. i saw how nayeon's eyes went wide and puckered her lips behind me.

i froze for a second and gulped before turning around my body to face the person. my eyes landed on a woman who's wearing a specs. the combination of her blonde short hair that reached her shoulders, a plain white tube top, a flannel over it and a baggy pants screams... gay. like, her whole appearance screams gay.

and oh shit. did i just.. checked her out? i gaze up and her eyes met mine as she slowly removed her specs.

i gulped.

then i heard nayeon, she cleared her throat and clasp her hand, "good day, miss shin. im nayeon, chief director." nayeon bowed.

"drop the formality." ryujin said while folding her specs and hang it up on her tube top. "just call me ryujin." she also bowed.

nayeon unnie nudge my side making me snapped back into reality. well, damn it. i'm just going to put aside my hatred towards her and be professional at my work.

i smiled and bowed, "hwang yeji, your photographer for today." i said in a nice way.

"hwang yeji?" she repeated and knitted your brows.

is she deaf? i mentally rolled my eyes.

"yes, hwang yeji." i said in a nice way again.

a mischievous little smile crept into her face and that made me pissed. but my fake smile on my face didn't fade away just to be professional infront of her.

"alright," miss mina, her manager, interfered us, "ryujin will change her outfit and will put some make-ups on. give us 20 minutes? is that good?" she questioned.

"yes, it's all good. we will also fix the lightings." i responded back and mina unnie nodded  in agreement.

"see you later, yeji." ryujin said huskily and winked at me before walking away.


she's still the girl that i know... an annoying brat.

and soon enough, the photoshoot started.

i'm holding my dslr camera while looking at ryujin while her make-up artist is fixing her hair. her make up is so simple yet elegant.

"you know, staring is rude." ryujin said as she sat down on the white chair and a smirk is evident on her face.

i snapped and shook my head, "i'm just thinking about your pose." i said with my cold voice.

suddenly, i felt a pinch to my side, making me frowned. it was nayeon unnie. she's giving me a killer glare.

i giggled nervously, "i'm just thinking about your pose, miss ryujin." i said, but now in a charming tone.

"oh really?" ryujin chuckled, "so, what should i do, yeji?" 

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