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a/n: to those who didn't read the previous chapter, u missin' somethin' babe 🤪😘



my eyelids were still heavy, but a delicate lips on my forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose caused me to lazily open my eyes. basically, she's trying to wake me up by showering my face with soft kisses.

i was then greeted by an energetic, hoarse voice,

"good morning, yeddeong." fuck, why do i find her morning voice so sexy?

she was on top of me. her hands are rested on the either side of my head to balance herself. her smile is so big, to the point that her whisker dimples are evident. seeing her smiling like this makes my heart to flutter. gosh, what kind of creature is she? she's so cute.

"good morning.." i greeted back.

then, my eyes fell on her lips. oh damn, it's so inviting.

i unconsciously licked my lips and when i met her eyes again, it dilated and became dark. oh gosh.

ryujin ran her forefinger from my temple down to my cheek until she pushed my chin up. she leaned in and captured my lips softly.

i let her kiss me.

i then held her nape and kissed her back. i felt her hand on my throat, tracing it with her thumb gently.

i let out a moan when she bit my bottom lip and slip her tongue inside my mouth.

our tongue keeps on--

"for godsake, ryujin and yeji! this is my 12th try! wake the hell up already!" mina unnie shouted behind the door. oh wow, this is the first time i heard her loud voice.

ryujin pulled away from our heated kiss and let out a soft giggle as she buried her face on the crook of my neck. i just then realized that both of us are naked under this blanket. shittt.

"relax penguin! you are interrupting them again.." we heard chaeyoung's voice, "let's just go back to our hut and continue what we are do--"

"can you just please zip your mouth for a damn second?!" mina unnie retorted back.

"we're coming out, unnie!" i then shouted while giggling. since the day that we arrived in this village, michaeng was continually trying to irritate each other.

"finally! let me just remind you that today is our last final day!" mina unnie shouted once again. oh shit, i think she's really mad?

ryujin then hugged me tighter and mumbled in her aegyo voice, "i love to cuddle with you more often, yeddeong-ah.."

there goes my heart again. ugh, ryujin.

i then gulped and patted her back, "c'mon. we gotta move."

suddenly, she sniffed my neck that made me tensed as fuck. calm down, yeji.

"your heart is beating so fast.." ryujin murmured against my neck again, "just like mine," she said sweetly.

yeah, i could also feel her heart beating abnormally. oh god..

i then snaked my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. "i like to cuddle with you either, but your manager is already blaring in anger." i giggled and kissed the top of her head.

and when i tried to move my legs, i felt a pain down there, earning a groan from me. ryujin's stamina is so stable and she doesn't get tired that easily. she really likes rough.

"sore?" ryujin lift up her head and looked at me with a smirk on her face.

"i told you not to be that hard." i rolled my eyes but she just let out a giggle in return.

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