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a/n: double update gays (16&17), hehe, my way of showing sorry for not updating frequently 🤭 anyway, [M]


can you believe it, months had passed, yeji departed from nayeon unnie's company because the CEO of my entertainment granted her a new contract to be the official photographer for JYPE artists, but she's still my photographer most of the time. they were kinda impressed by our project "14 days with shin"

and let me tell you, i'm still courting her. everyday, i'm giving her gifts that i know she'll surely like.

"there are so many people outside. just don't stop walking." mina unnie instructed while our van was parking on the front of the building. i have a performance for today and i'm kinda excited 'coz yeonjun will be there too.

"but i want to interact with them," i pouted and peered out the window to look at my lovely fans outside the building, shouting my name while holding the banners. i want to accept all their gifts for me.

"just wave your hands," mina unnie added.

"your fans are so wild, ryuddaeng." yeji chuckled as she wore her facemask.

yeah, they looked like zombies who are banging their hands against the window of our van. but i love them tho, they pay my bills.

when the guard opened the door, i was quickly bombarded with tons of camera flashes that made my eyes to become blurry as fuck, but i keep waving my hands, smiling at them as we enter the building.






i can't help but to chuckle as they keep shouting my name. i'm sorry guys and girls, but someone already took my heart and that's the person behind me, protecting me from the these wild people as if she's my bodyguard.

finally, we entered the building and the staff leaded the way towards my dressing room.

we walked through the hallway but before i could enter the room, we heard a voice coming from a man, "hey, ryujin." he called me in a nice tone.

i recognized him in a split second. he is one of my competitors in terms of the music chart, "haechan." i think, he just got out from the studio.

"it's nice to finally meet you in person," he stated as he bowed.

being a nice girl, i also bowed to him, "same," i simply responded back.

"ryujin and haechan, we are going to take a picture of you two. please stand up there," one of the staff said and pointed at the stairs where the idols usually take their photos.

i looked first to mina unnie and she nodded her head, indicating that i should follow. i also narrowed my eyes to my girl and she plastered a pure smile as she raised up her brows.

i don't want to take a picture with him but well, i can't do anything about it so i just followed them. we then stood next to each other.

"oh, you're yeji, right? JYPE's photographer?" the staff asked and yeji answered yes while nodding.

"please take a picture of them."

"o-okay.." yeji hurriedly grabbed her camera and stood infront of us as she focused her camera to us.

"act like you're close friends," the staff commanded. ugh, publicity. i mentally rolled my eyes.

i think, i deserve an oscar for acting like we're really close friends. i flashed a huge smile to the point that my whisker dimples are evident.

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