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"good job, ryujinnie!" the head choreographer, hirai momo, cheered her favorite artist.

ryujin ran her fingers through her hair and showed a huge smile while breathing heavily, "thank you, momoring.." she bowed.

they were practicing inside the dance studio where the back-up dancers and the staff were also there, watching and cheering for the girl.

and of course, the gorgeous hwang yeji was also there, filming-- no, more like, drooling over this female k-pop idol whose sweats were dripping down all over her face and body but still looking so damn hot and beautiful.

yeji still can't believe that she almost fell to ryujin's seduction last night.  you're in a relationship. you're in a relationship. the cat-eyed girl keeps repeating the same thing over and over again.

ryujin, however, likes challenge. she will never stop seducing this girl.

"it's already 12pm. let's wrap this up everyone! you can munch your lunch."  mina announced towards the staff and bowed.

momo, including the staff, made a quick chat with them before leaving the dance room. ryujin thanked her momo unnie for teaching her a sick choreo. momo is one of ryujin's idol in terms of dancing.

mina grabbed a towel and handed it to ryujin, "you're going to do a vlog, more like, a mukbang here inside the dance studio along with your sister." she informed.

"yuna will come here today?" it brightens ryujin's mood. her sister's schedule was full just like hers that's why they can't spend time together. hearing the news makes the blonde girl delighted.

mina nodded and smiled. she then walked towards yeji whose fixing the tripod, "yeji, you can come back here at.." mina stopped and looked at her wrist watch before speaking again, "at 1pm."

hearing those words, yeji was already celebrating inside her head. finally, she can have a break, "noted, mina un--"

yeji stopped talking when a naughty girl interfered her, "you can join us, yeji." ryujin offered while twisting the cap of her water bottle.

here we are again. yeji thought. the brunette flashed a fake smile, "no. it's fine. i'm going to have a lunch with my bo--". she was about to say her 'boyfriend' but she suddenly remembered that felix is in taiwan. "with my cousin." she lied. it was a ridiculous excuse.

"then tell your cousin to go here. you can eat your lunch here.." ryujin spoke and smiled mischievously. she wants to play a game with yeji. a different kind of game.

"well, yeah. that's sounds great. i ordered a lot of food too." mina agreed and smiled, "i can call our driver to pick up your cousin."

for yeji, it's difficult to refuse when ryujin's manager was the one who offered her. why is it so difficult to say no? the brunette thought. she ran her hand on the side of her hair and let out soft giggle, "s-sure. i'm just going to call my cousin."

ryujin didn't say anything but the smirk that was very evident on her face was enough for yeji to be annoyed.

"just tell me your cousin's address." mina said nicely and yeji nodded in response, "ryujin, come here. i'm going to show your next schedule." mina commanded and ryujin obliged.

yeji, on the other hand, walked towards the corner of the room as she fished her phone out of her pocket and dialed lia's number. lia doesn't have any idea about this.

"c'mon.. pick up.. pick up.." yeji murmured while stomping her foot on the wooden ground, waiting for lia to answer her call.

"hey un-"

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