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"ugh! push! push it harder~!"

"fuuuckk~! aahhh!"

"pushh it more~! gosh!"

it's not what you think, bitches. y'all need to clean your mind and drink some holy water from god jihyo. anyway, yuna and lia were attempting to push the car because for some reason, the car's engine broke down while they were heading towards the village where ryeji was.

"shit.. i can't do this anymore." lia frowned breathlessly and leaned against the car as she wiped the sweats on her forehead.

"yah, unnie! i warned you that we didn't have to go there. it's too far." yuna whined and stomped her feet on the dirt like a kid.

"excuse me? you also agreed with this." lia looked at the younger girl in disbelief, "oh yes, lia unnie, we're going to have a road trip! i'm gonna show it for my vlog. yes! let's go!" lia mocked the tone of yuna's voice, even the facial expression.

"aishh!! now look! we are in the middle of.. of.." yuna paused and roamed her eyes around the place, "we're in the middle of a--"

"a road." chaeryeong, a famous, hot k-pop idol, interrupted while her palms were still pressed on the car, "a road with only few vehicles passing by." she said annoyingly while giving a glare to her bestfriend.

well, yuna barged inside chaeryeong's house who was peacefully sleeping on her warm bed.

"you said that you're going to treat me a food, yuna-ah. but look! i'm here, in my pajama outfit, pushing your goddamn car." chaeryeong fumed and crossed her arms, throwing her frustrations to the girls.

yuna opened her mouth to retort back but lia was the first one who spoke,

lia shouted in irritation, raising her phone in the air, "damn it. no signal!", that made the two other girls to frown.

they are in the middle of the country road of busan. there are no houses, no posts, or people in the area.

"great! what a great day!" yuna threw her arms in the air and let it landed on her side.

"let's just wait for a vehicle to pass by, then we'll ask for help." the oldest, lia, suggested as she placed back her phone inside the pocket of her jeans.

chaeryeong let out a sharp sigh. i'm supposed to be resting right now. argh! she then decided to hopped inside the car's shot gun seat and took out her phone. she tapped the 'wattpad' application to continue reading the fanfiction stories that were written by her beloved fans for her.

yuna, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes to the sun that was slowly setting down. the sun's slanting rays tinted the sky in a beautiful warm, orange hue.

"let's take a picture, unnies!" yuna quickly fished out her phone, ignoring the problem that they are facing and not even thinking about her manager, "the sunset is so beautiful."



i can feel the sharpness inside my head. damn, what kind of alcohol does jihyo unnie gave to us? that alcohol is so----

wait, hold up! i can feel something strange under my hand? it's incredibly squishy and soft. then, when i tried to squish it in a gentle manner, i felt something.. erecting?

i then flutter my eyes slowly and without a second, my feline pair went wide when i saw ryujin's body beside me. my head is resting against her chest and what the?!? my eyes went wider when i saw my hand under her bra. so that explains why it was so squishy! i was holding her cute little mountain!

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