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"alright, you're done," my hairdresser informed me, causing me to open my eyes.

"thank you," i said and examined my reflection in the mirror. damn, i'm thankful for my mom's egg cell and my dad's sperm cell because they produced a hot, stunning human being.

i fished out my phone to take a selfie but before i could even tap my password, mina unnie hurriedly entered the dressing room and handed me a white envelope.

"ryujin, you must read this," she said with a tone of excitement and a huge smile was plastered on her face.

i was intrigued by this envelope, so I took it and carefully opened it. and girl, my heart pounded so freaking fast and my eyes literally went wide when i read the letter.

"i-is this r-real, unnie?" i questioned as a smile spread on my red lips.

"yes, it's real! they sent me that letter awhile ago," mina unnie exclaimed while patting my shoulder gently, "congrats, ryujinnie!"

i kept reading the italicized, large letters on the letter. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. finally, i will be free.

i then murmured as my eyes were still on the paper,

"i want it? i got it."



the entire arena became silent as the audience's eyes widened, their mouths slightly parted, and their entire attention was drawn to this k-pop idol, who stood in the center of the massive stage, clutching her trophy tightly.

yeji, who was on the other side of the stage along with her fellow photographers, was surprised by the coming out declaration of her girlfriend.

"ryujin," yeji said in a low-tone as her eyes were locked on her girlfriend and a smile was evident on her face.

she knew ryujin wanted to come out to the public, but she hadn't expected her girlfriend to do this at one of South Korea's most prestigious music award show.

yeji's grip on the camera became firmer when ryujin continued to speak,

"we, idols aren't just "idols", we are good actors and actresses too." ryujin's voice echoed around the arena.

she was so confident telling the real her to the public, "i'm saying this because i struggle a lot during daily basis just to pleased the management and now, i want to break free from all of their lies."

unfortunately, JYP was there in the event and obviously, he was triggered by ryujin's speech. he shook his head as he kept on mumbling curse words under his breath, "what the fuck are you doing, shin?"

JYP stood up from his seat and ran towards the production section of the stage.

as soon as JYP entered the backstage, "cut the microphone!" he commanded to the staff who was responsible for the audio production.

but the female staff who was wearing a headphone was just looking at him, thinking if she should obey the triggered monkey.

"lee haechan is not my boyfriend. all of it are just for money and publicity to cover up my relationship with my girlfriend." ryujin keep on stating the truth. her vision is becoming blurry because the tears started to fill up her feline eyes.

and because ryujin mentioned haechan's name, some people narrowed their eyes to him. heachan felt a sudden embarrassment through out his body so he gulped really hard and lowered his head to avoid the public stares.

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