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i entered my room and toss my bag on the swivel chair. i turned on my lamp shade, making my room to be illuminated by a yellow shade. i then plopped myself down on my cozy bed, facing the white ceiling as i heaved a heavy sigh. a lot of things happened today that made me really exhausted.

i then took my phone out of my pocket to check my messages and a smile crept on my face when i saw felix's selfie that he sent to me. judging by his selfie, he looks so freaking cute. goddamn it.

all of a sudden, a guilt flowed through out my body.

"aish!" i frowned and toss my phone on the bed. i grabbed my pillow and covered my face.

why can't i resist her? i mean, i can resist her but... but the temptation was there.

the way ryujin danced infront of me earlier keeps replaying inside my head. i won't deny it, that scene was extremely hot.

to be honest, that was my dream before. to dance in front of her. to be noticed by her.

ryujin obviously didn't recognize me because i had completely different physical appearance back then.

i then removed the pillow on my face and narrowed my eyes to the white ceiling again as i reminisce the past.


after i submitted my photojournalism activity to my teacher, i hurriedly went outside the faculty room. it's already 4pm and i have to go to the park to meet someone. as i walked through the hallway, i saw a familiar figure.

here she goes again, holding another girl's hand while walking on the hallway. what's new? i mentally rolled my eyes as i walked passed them.

i lowkey hate her attitude because she's a total playgirl. she has this charm that catches the attention of every girl here in our campus.

including me.

i'm one year ahead of her. i can't hide the fact that.. that.. i adore her. i don't want to admit it but yeah, i like her. can you blame me? those whisker dimples of hers are too die for and she's extremely talented person.

the sad thing about this is that, she doesn't have any single idea about me. why? because her type are those stunning hot girls wearing short skirts with failing grades in every classes. while me? i have straight A+ but.. I'm not beautiful as them and i'm not an attractive person. i'm a total underdog nerd wearing a plain white shirt which is not on her lists. that's why shin ryujin will never notice me.

i badly want to talk with her but.. i can't..

"you're late." lisa unnie uttered in a calm tone. i saw her sitting on the bench with her legs crossed.

lisa unnie is our head director of photography club that's why i met her. she's so friendly and approachable unlike her girlfriend. her girlfriend throws a tantrum every single damn day. she's so stubborn.

"i'm sorry, unnie." i apologized as i put down my bag on the bench, "well, miss chan wanted me to submit the photos of our intramural event." i said while tying up my hair.

"it's okay.." lisa unnie stood up and tie up her hair also. "no backing out, alright? tomorrow is the day." she added while stretching her long legs.

i lowered my head and let out a sigh, "a-are you sure about this unnie?"

i heard lisa unnie clicked her tongue and i felt her hand on my shoulder, "this is your chance to catch her attention, yeji-ah."

i looked up to her and nodded slowly. this was lisa unnie's idea. she even volunteered herself to be my choreographer.

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