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"you mean.. you've never had a girlfriend?"

"believe me or not, i've never been in a serious relationship," ryujin answered while placing back the photos inside the wallet. is she serious? is she stating the truth?

"since birth?" i asked. i'm kinda shocked that she never had a girlfriend.

"since birth," ryujin added and now, her eyes were glued to mine, "i was simply flirting with them for fun. i was just down for hook-ups and had no intention of making a commitment." she testified, trying to convince me with her honesty.

i then looked down at my hand when ryujin grabbed it and intertwined it with hers.

"but now, i'm ready to commit," she continued as she was staring right into my eyes, "very much ready to fully commit to you, yeji-ah.."

i held my breath when i heard those words. i looked calm outside but my heart seemed to pound faster, even harder. i then gulped before speaking, "you know, i-"

"AAAAAHH!~ a bug! a bug!" suddenly, ryujin whined like a baby, buried her face on my shoulder, and hugged me tightly when a bug flew to her spot, "yahhh! huhu!"

"really? the greatest shin ryujin is scared to a small bug?" amused, i let out a chuckle as i shooed the bug, waving my arm to send this insect away from this baby.

"there. it's gone," i informed but ryujin kept her arms around me. so i just wrapped my arms around her too as our back pressed against the huge tree.

"yeddeong-ah? i have a question for you.."


"is it okay with you if we keep us in private?" she asked while playing with my fingers.

"of course, ryuddaeng.." i answered while rubbing her side, "to be honest, i like it more. you know, for us to have some privacy and to prevent unwanted situations that can harm us." i then kissed the top of her head.

i still can't believe that the girl that i've always wanted to be mine is here with me, expressing her desire that she's ready to commit to me.

it's morning and i was getting ready for work when my mom called me to tell me that delivery came for me. then, when i went downstairs, i saw my mom, holding a--

"a bouquet?" i breathe out when my mom handed me the bouquet of red roses with a chocolate bar and a small note stating:

flowers for you :) see u later, bitch <3
- your seducer xoxo

a soft chuckle passed through my mouth when i read the note. she called me a bitch? how romantic. and her seducer? well, yeah, she seduced me every single time.

then i heard my mom cleared her throat, making me snap back to reality.

"why did you not tell me that felix had cheated on you?" her voice thick with irritation. well, eomma, i also cheated on him.

"how did you know, e-eomma?"

"last night, lia came here. i told her that you're not here and i assumed that you were with felix."

jeez, that sloth.

"i-.." i gulped really hard, "i simply don't want you to be furious at him, eomma," i said honestly, because she despises people who aren't devoted and loyal to their partners.

i saw how my mom let out a sharp sigh. she pursed her lips and her newly threaded eyebrows snapped together.

"but i already broke up with him, eomma." i quickly added as i rubbed her arm with my free hand, trying to calm her nerves down, "we had already settled our issues.. i swear."

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