Chapter 46 - Valentine Pt. 3

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"Get up brother! We're going somewhere." Jack said, immediately after entering through the door. Jack J was on the couch, eating something. It's weird seeing him all by himself not doing anything. I actually don't think I've ever seen him like this.

He glanced at Jack, who walked down the hall to grab something in the bedroom. I looked at him.

"Wait, so what's the problem with him?" Jack J whispered.

I shrugged. "It's fine. We worked it out." I whispered back.

Jack came back into the room. "Get up bro!"

Jack J hopped up. "But, it's Valentine's Day. You guys go do something."

"Yeah, we are doing something. You're coming." I smiled.

"Okay." He shrugged and got up.

"Where are we going?" Jack J asked, shutting the door as we all walked out.

I shrugged with an I don't know, while walking to the car and jumping in. I wanted to drive.

They climbed in and buckled up. "Yeah, where to Paige?" Jack asked.

I began backing out. "Um, let's go get some food from chik fil a?" I suggested. "Then we can go somewhere fun.

Jack nodded. "I'm starving."

I looked at Jack J in the rearview mirror, and he was nodding too. "I just ate but I'll eat again."

I laughed.

When we arrived at chik fil a, I parked in the parking lot. I got out and adjusted my dress, feeling really confident in myself.

Jack and Jack followed me inside and we all ordered. In my treat, I paid for their food. I have something for Jack later, so this wasn't all I'd be doing for him for Valentine's Day.

I scooted into a booth with the boys. We took silly snapchats while waiting for the food.

"Yo! Hey!" Jack J called to one of the workers. He walked over.

"How can I help you?" The guy said.

"Uh, how old do you have to be to play on that playground thing in there? Or I mean like what's the age limit?" Jack J pointed to the big empty jungle gym in the room behind us.

The guy laughed, looking at the front desk.

"My boss is gone, so there's no age limit. But once he comes back, the age limit is 12." He smiled.

I giggled. "When will he be back?"

The guy shrugged. "An hour or so."

A girl came and delivered our food. When she sat the trays down, I caught her staring at me. She got the notion that I caught her, so she decided to speak up.

"Um, I hate to be a bother really.. But I'm absolutely in love with all of your modeling shots. You're such an inspiration and it'd mean so much if we could get a picture together." Her blue eyes were focused on fiddling with the lime green ring on her pinky finger. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail. She reminded me of Ava, a lot.

"Of course! It's no bother at all!" I got up and put my arm around her, cheesing hardcore as she took a picture of us.

She looked at her phone covering her mouth, seemingly really happy.

"Hey, you know, you remind me of my friend Ava." I squinted a little.

Her expression changed. "I get that a lot, I'm sorry about the loss."

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