Authors notes.

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I think i should tell my readers why i haven't posted lately and why it might take me a bit of time to pick it up again.
But i should make it clear that this story is not going to be a exceptionally long break to tag it hiatus. I just need a bit of time to mentally be at peace with myself.

A few days ago my grandfather passed away, i was very close to him so its been very tuff on me. I hope you guys can understand why its been difficult for me to write a this moment. He was very sick before hand. I didn't have the enthusiasm to write before that. And I'm not feeling peachy myself.

Like i said it wont be long before i pick it up again, i just need some time. For those readers who care to know. I didn't want to leave you with out explanation.

Thank you for understanding. :) much love ❤️

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