The One where There Is Gossip.

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After our nap, we're sitting in his car out on a dinner run. He's about to slide out of the car before i pull him back.

"Are you crazy?! Do you want to be seen together? It will cause a major scandal!" I freak out on him. Remembering his pictures with kiko.

"So then? What do you want to do?" He ask me sarcastically.

"You wait here, ill just order take out." I slip out and walk my way to the restaurant.
When my order is ready i walk out to find him standing outside, leaning against the car smoking a cig.

I snap a quick picture of him. Even in casual wear he looks like a model. Smiling to myself i call him.

"Can you get in the car?" I hang up.

He looks up and smiles at me putting his phone away.

After i enter the car we head out.

I notice hes driving the opposite way.

"Uh, the hotel is the other way." I point the opposite way.

"We are not going to the hotel." He gives me a side glance before looking back at the road.

"Where are we going." i ask curiously.

"My place."


"Yea, oh." He says quietly.

The car ride was quiet, but not awkward. I felt safe driving with him.
Like when i was a kid and would fall asleep in my parents car.

He broke the silence with a question. "Are we going to talk about the pictures your friend sent you?"

"Whats there to talk about? Im no saint either. Or have you forgotten yesterday?" I question him. Not wanting to talk about the situation. I had no clue what to do on the matter, but now i felt like a bitch for talking to him like that.

"Look, I'm sorry i just don't know what to do." I say as i turn my torso to face him on my left.

"Maybe you should call him and tell him its off?" He runs his hand through his hair. Today its all frizzy. He's wearing a hoodie and washed out jeans.

"Don't want to talk to him." I whisper looking out the window. "Not yet."

We don't say more.

After dinner he disappears in to one of the many rooms to take a call.

I lie down on the couch i get a call myself.

I pick it up with out checking the number "hello?"

"Hey, babe, whats up?" Mark says smoothly.

"Ha! Whats up? Oh, i don't know, whats up with you?" I say sarcastically as i sit up.

"Whats with that tone? Did i do something wrong? You know you have been acting like a real bitch lately. I shouldn't have called at all." He says angrily with a raised voice.

"You shouldn't have. Emily sent me pictures of you with some slut at a club. Do you want to know the craziest thing!? I was relieved! Its over Mark. Done." I yell over the phone.

He stutters before he says " Its a lie, she never liked me to begin with."

"Save your excuses, its over, oh, and for the record, i cheated too." I hang up.

Im so angry I'm trembling. JiYong walks at that moment.

"What's wrong?" He ask as he approaches me.

"M-Mark called." He slips his arms around my waist.

"Im so angry. Ji, i think i need some time alone. Im gonna go, okay?"

"If thats what you need. Okay. Ill drive you back."


The next day at work I'm sitting in the cafeteria of YG when two young trainees sit a few chairs away from my table gossiping.

"Cant wait for the shows after part." One of them said.

"Do you think any of the big celebrities will be there?" The other asks innocently.

"Im not sure. I mean after what happened last year it doesn't seem likely."

"What happened last year?"

"There was a rumor that a female trainee drugged a member of Big Bang."

"Oh my god, really? Thats horrible."

"Yea, someone walked in on her before she could do anything. A manager went to check out the commotion because someone dropped a glass."

"Wow, i hope no one was hurt."

They have my full attention at this point.

"Yup, they wont say who, but remember that girl who got kicked out? They say it was her. She wanted to get famous through other methods. Stupid girl. Ruined her own chance."

My mind floods with questions. I suddenly feel guilty.

"Well, maybe they will show up." The other one says hopefully.

They stand to leave. I stay alone to ponder this new information.

That night in my hotel i think about the year apart and how things could have been avoided.

As i open my closet to change into my pjs i see the red translucent dress he bought me. I get a brilliant idea.

I slip it on and put a trench coat over it and slipping some black heels on.

I tie a tight knot on the coat before heading out to his place.
A grin plastered on my face thinking about his reaction when he opens his door too see me.

I laugh loudly the cab driver gives me a weird look.

Guys you should check the Big Bang one shots from yg_bb_gd_ ^___^ its a new story but follow it. She writes very well! <3 thanks for reading comment and like.
Im also starting my own OneShots story so stay tuned for that :D taking request if your interested. ❤️❤️❤️

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