The One With Unwated Company.

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Im Standing outside his door, my stomach has butterflies in anticipation.

As he opens the door his face lights up.

"Surprise!" I say quietly.

"Hi" he grins at me. "Oh.. I... Uh.. Have company over."

Company? "Oh, should i go?" I pout slightly at him.

"NO!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me in.

In the living room is Taeyang, Top, Daesung, and Seungri watching tv with some beers in hand.

"Uh, guys, this is the girl i was talking about." They all look at me at once. Moving their eyes from the tv to me.

Im trying not to freak out about meeting them.

"Hi! He's talked a lot about you." Taeyang says with a warm smile.
I look up at GD with an 'oh really?' Look in my eyes. He smiles at me sheepishly.

"You're the photographer right?!" Seungri says enthusiastically. I nod wondering how much they knew about us.

"So the mystery girl was right in front of us all along huh?" Top says a little curious.
Apparently no much.

"I, uh, I'm..." I Stutter awkwardly.

"Haha he's just playing." Deasung says with an eye smile. I blush at his warmth. He seems like a great guy.

I bow to them in respect "its nice to finally be introduced to you guys."

I then remember I'm almost wearing nothing at all. I blush before looking away.

"Oh, Jiyong could you show me where the bathroom is?" I smile to him awkwardly.

"Uh, sure?" He gives me a weird look because I've already been here before twice so i should know my way around perfectly.

As i open the bathroom door he's about to walk away but i grab his hand and pull him in.

"I had a surprise for you, but now you cant have it because of the company." I Say to him a little disappointed.

"What surprise, you didn't bring anything."

I smile at him wickedly before pulling the trench coats bow. I slide it open, "What do you think?" I smile up at him.

His shocked expression is priceless. "Wait here."

He runs of out of the bathroom.

After a few minutes and no sign of him i leave the bathroom in search of him.

The living room is dark and there is candles everywhere. I gasp in surprised as he's filling a cup with wine.

"I thought i would do something romantic in return." He says as he hands me a glass and takes a sip of his.

"Mm very romanic, but definitely a fire hazard." I try to hold in my laugh as i take a sip of wine. "Mm delicious."

He gives a smirk and places his wine down. Pulling me in he says "So can i get a better look at what you're wearing under?"

I giggle as i say "I don't know, can you?" I smile at him.

"Well you're being overly sassy today." He pulls me closer as he traces a hand down my face slowly. "To answer your question. Yes, yes i can."

He pulls the knot on my coat and removes it in one quick movement.

My breathing gets harder with his actions. Our relationship is more that just sex but we fit so well in that too. Like a lock and key, or two pieces of a puzzle that fit right next to each other. I smile a my thoughts.

I kiss him slowly as he puts his hands on my upped thighs squeezing them lightly.
I moan at his tough.

Breaking the kiss "I've missed you all day, i thought i wasn't going to see you today." He says in between kisses on my neck and chest.

I don't say anything, i pull his face up to my lips and push him and he falls on the couch. Never breaking the kiss i sit on top of him with my thighs on either side of his.
He pulls me closer as i rock lightly on his legs. I can feel his member getting harder. Causing friction on my clit we moan together.

My heart is racing faster after a few minutes of this. "I need you Jiyong." I whisper to him as i start to unzip his jeans.

He lifts his hips to let me pull them down. When i do he places a hand on my clit and rubs it slowly, i hiss at his contact. He has a smirk on his face, he knows I'm dripping. He's such a tease.

He doesn't stop there, he slowly places a finger inside of and i moan as i lean into him for support. He picks up speed as i slowly start building up, before i know it i cum on his hand as i fall on him. My body feels like jello.

With out warning he places his tip in my entrance and slides himself in me. Its like a rush of energy because I'm ready to go again.

He pumps slowly in me and picks up speed. It feels s good we moan together. Just when i think it can feel any better i let go. Its like a box exploded in me and the greatest feelings in the world flooded out.

My vision is blurry for a few seconds. He came with me but i was lost in my own sensations.

I sit on top of him waiting for my senses to comeback and my heart to slow down.
Once it does all i can say was "WOW"

"That was amazing." He says as he rubs my back slowly."

"Mm." I murmur as i slowly feel the weight of sleep in my eyes.

Before i can though the door bell rings.
We get up and compose ourselves in a hurry. I leave to hide in his room after putting out the candles and placing the wine glasses in the sink.

I hear him open the door. I strain my ears to listen. Its a females voice.

JiYong's voice gets louder. Scared something is going to happen to him i walk out in a hurry.

I freeze at the end of the hall. My heart stops. He's standing a few steps away from non other than Kiko.

This chapter is dedicated to @Marie_Jeong !! <3 hope you guys like the chapter. ! Don forget to check out my oneshots. I just updated a short sample! I hope you do ❤️ thank you.

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