The One With The Way Back.

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The next few days are really busy.
With the show coming up i have no time for parties or dates.
Not busy taking pictures but visiting the venue and figuring out what spots would be best for the best results.

Its going to be a big show and i know I'm going to have to be running around all over the place for the perfect shot.

The days go by quickly. Wake up, go to work, go to the hotel. JiYong always waiting for me to get home. I gave hime the spare key so he wouldn't have to wait for me to get off work.

We stay in have dinner and talk. We cant really go on dates but as long as we are together we have fun.
Passionate nights never losing their spark. Every time we are together its a new adventure in bed.

We confined in each other that the lack of sex definitely took a toll on us, but waiting for the right person was worth it.
I figured he was a womanizer but he hadn't slept with anyone since his former girlfriend.


The night before the show we are lying in bed after a shower together.
My head is resting on his bare chest drawing patterns on his skin. His breathing is slow like his heartbeat.

When he speaks i feel the vibrations in my ear. "You have to go home soon." He says thoughtfully.

"I don't want to go home." He sits up pushing me to one side. He turns to look at me.

"Then don't go! Stay here with me! We can get an apartment, eventually get married. Just stay!" He looks at me hopeful.

"You know i cant just drop everything. As much as i would like that i have a life in the states." I sit up to cross my legs facing him. But i cant look at him. I watch my hands as i fidget with them.

He places a hand over both of mine. "I know, it was selfish of me to assume you would. I don't think i could drop everything from one day to the next either." He lies back down at the end of his words.

"Do you think this will work?" I say as i resume my position on his chest.
"We will make this work." He places a strong arm around me as he says this to hold me close.
"I miss you already." I say solemnly.
He laughs "I'm still here." He rubs my back up and down.

"I know, but the thought of not seeing you everyday is making me sad. But i feel like i shouldn't be because I'm moving to fast with my feelings and i don't know how you feel. Its overwhelming. I've never felt this way before. My emotions are a total mess."

"I also feel the same, not being able to control my feelings for you." He turns to hug me as he faces me.
"I also feel bad we cant be like normal couples and go out on dates. I want to show you anything and everything, but we are stuck in this room."

I give him a kiss before saying "if its with you anywhere is perfect."

We fall asleep early, tomorrow is the big day.


We wake up earlier that usual. He has to leave early for some group practice.

When i get to the venue everyone is to busy working they don't have time for chatter.

Everything stays busy until just before the show.
Im ready by the stage. The crowd is quietly humming.

When the lights dim and the stage lights up the crowd goes wild.
The show is a blur. Im running around everywhere trying to get the perfect shot on each performance.

When its Big Bangs turn my heart is beating faster. Im excited to finally see JiYong on stage. He gives me a lot of good shots by posing near my camera. I know he's doing it on purpose so i give him a wink before moving on.

By the time the show ends I'm exhausted but i get a text from G asking if I'm going to the after part. Everyone is invited, even the stage crew. I cant not go.
I convince the boss to go with me and we dress up all nice, she wears a platinum dress that looks amazing on her and i settle for a little black dress. Perfect for dancing.


When we get to the house its huge. I assume it belongs to one of the celebrities.
By the time we get there everyone already seems to have had to much to drink.
The one person I'm looking for i cant find.
I grab a drink before looking for him.

I settle for asking anyone drunk enough not to remember. There's a man sitting on the couch looking kind of lost.
"Excuse me, have you seen G-Dragon?" I poke him alert.
He looks at me and points to a hallway behind him.
"I saw him back there." He slurs his words.
I thank him before leaving him behind.

There are a few empty rooms and two bathrooms. When i finally reach the room at the end, its pitch dark.
I have an uneasy feeling about this but i switch on the lights anyway.

I gasp at the sight before me as my drink slips through my hands and the glass cup shatters.

I don't stay to question the scene before me, i just run. Run until i cant feel anymore. Its a cold night.
The image replaying in my head like a broken record.
Theres a girl and shes lying on top of a half naked JiYong. My hearts breaking every time i think about it.
My mind is a blur. My phone keeps ringing. I don't want to pick it up. People are looking at me weird. Im still running.

After running for a wile in the cold i stop on a main street and hail a cab.
When i get to the hotel i start packing everything in the hotel room.
Im feeling pretty numb so everything seems monotone.
There isn't much to pack. I didn't have time to go shopping like i planned.

My next step is to buy a ticket for home. The closest one to take off is in an hour.
I purchase the ticket.
I check out of the hotel and head for the airport. Hand bag and suitcase in hand.
The numbness is still consuming.
My phone is still ringing. At some point i turn it off. I cant think of anything other than getting on the plane.
Im exhausted from the day and i realize i haven't had much to eat. Not that I'm feeling hungry.
Theres a coffee shop by my gate. I purchase a coffee but i don't even finish half of it by the time its time to board the plane.

As the plane takes off i question whether i should runaway like this. Its too late to question it. Im already in the air. Its a one way trip.

I fall asleep exhausted from keeping my tears at bay. I have a bad dream. The scene playing before my eyes again.
I slept through all 13 hours of the flight when the hostess wakes me up to get ready for landing. She had woken me up once through the flight for some dinner but i refused before falling asleep again.
Its midday in Chicago. Its a sunny day. It feels too sunny.

As i sit in the taxi driving me home it hits me that we are half a world away from each other. Even if he wanted to see me he couldn't. I left with out giving him that chance. But i couldn't let my heart be broken with a rejection. He was too good for me anyway.

Walking through the apartment door the house is empty. Emily is at work by now.
I drag my luggage to my room. It looks exactly as i left it. Its home.
After my shower i draw the shades and crawl under the covers.

Finally alone my tears cant be held in. I cant say how much i cried but i fell asleep crying.

I wake up to some knocking. I get up to open it, walking out of my room, but Emily is already standing by it fully opened.
As she looks at my swollen eyes and the person standing there she starts yelling.
"What did you do to her this time!" Shes about to push him out the door before i stop her.
"Its okay Em. He didn't do anything. I promise." I grab Marks hand and pull him into my room before closing it.

"How did you know i was here?" I ask him before sitting on my bed.
"You sent me a text... You don't remember?" I do remember vaguely sending him and the boss a text.
As i look at him standing by the door my tears start to flood my eyes again. Im sobbing as he sits next to me and holds me.
I lean in on him and cry some more.
He's not the person i want, but he's here.

Dun Dun Dunnnnn. Plot twist guys lol its gonna get crazy. Also I'm on a role lol.
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