The One With The Text

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The next day i wake up right on time for work. But its doesn't mean i actually got to sleep. I was so worried about today the time flew by.

I probably got 4 hours of sleep.

I get to YG and they are going to go practice at the venue.

Which means i will actually get to take pictures today.

The boss says we need to cover more ground so we can take more picture of everyone.

That means i will get to meet the 2NE1 ladies. Im not gonna lie, I'm excited.

I love them!!


The venue is huge! Im in shock.

First to go on stage was AKMU.

They are the cutest siblings ever.

The day is kind of chaotic. But its alright. It keeps Jiyong of my mind.

I did meet the 2NE1 girls, and they were just as awesome and nice as i thought they would be.

Right around lunch time I'm sent to the break room for some cups. The whole crew helping out with practice is having lunch but we need something to drink out of. Of course me being the helpful one volunteer.

I found the cups, but on the top shelf. Im too short for this. Maybe i should get someone taller.

I settle for this chair in the corner. Its a little wobbly, but it'll do.

As I'm about to reach for them, the chair gives way. And just as i see my life flash before my eyes someone catches me.

Honestly my clumsiness is getting out of hand.

I look up to see non other than JiYong.

Out of all the people it had to be him.

He's too close again, i push him away as i say,

"thank you, but you are making it a habit of sneaking up on me."

"Its not my fault you aren't very self aware of your surroundings."he says flatly.

I don't know what to say to him, and I'm feeling quite awkward.

He walks a little closer to me and whispers,

"Are you ready for tonight?" He lifts his hand to gently stroke my cheek.

I instinctively blush at his touch. Its too intimate.

Given if it were anyone else i wouldn't stand for such liberties.

But its comforting when he does it.

I don't say anything i just look up at him, he looks very handsome today.

His dark hair pushed back, a White V neck and tight jeans ripped at the knees.

Only he could pull this look off and still look mature.

Maybe its his rarely smiling face. Oh, but when he smiles, its a sight for sore eyes.

As i finish my train of though i get this sudden urge to kiss him.

So i do. I lean in on my tip toes and peck him on his lips.

He looks down at me, smiles, and asks "what was that for?"

"I don't know.... I felt like doing it." I look down blushing. "You also owed me, now."

He chuckles."oh yes, i remember, but i think i'll owe you more now." His stare gets darker.

He leans in to kiss me. His tung exploring my mouth like new territory.

His arm wraps around my waist and pulls me even closer.

Im pushed up against the counter, and he lifts me so I'm sitting on it. I wrap my legs around his waist. I lose myself in the moment, my hands are pulling him closer by his nape. As his hands explore my hips, my breast, everything.

Full on make out session.

His hands suddenly push my shirt up, but I'm not all that surprised and just when he's about to unhook my bra there is a knock at the door.

My heart stops. We freeze in that moment.

"I locked the door."he whispers. When did he do that i don't know, i should be upset but I'm not. Highlighting his previous point of me not being very selfs aware of my surroundings.

We can hear who ever was outside the door walk away.

My first reaction is to laugh, and as I'm laughing he gives me this weird look, but then he laughs with me.

"Well that was a mood killer." I say breathless. I jump off the counter and start smoothing out my clothes. He still looks perfect.

He's watching me get my self in order on this mirror on the wall. My hair is a mess, luckily i wasn't wearing make up. I just put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Look, I'm sorry, we haven't even been on a date and i just jumped on you like that."

He looks a little stressed." Its just thats what you do to me, when ever I'm near you i just lose control."

I cut in before he says more, "you don't have to apologize, i was obviously very into it also." Its very awkward for me to say that to him.

"This wont change our date for tonight right?"

"Of course not!" I probably say this with too much enthusiasm.

He smiles, that beautiful smile."good, I have to go now, but i'll see you tonight."

"Okay, tonight." I smile back.

He leaves the room.

I stand there like an idiot with a big goofy smile on my face.


The work day goes by a lot quicker than expected, but we finish all our work for the day.

We just need to edit the photos of today. But the boss said she would take care of them. Shes really passionate about her work. As am i, i would gladly sit and edit them for hours, but today i need to get ready for tonight.

I get to my hotel room around 6:05.

First things first. Shower time.

I take about twenty minutes in the shower, 6:35 marks the clock.

Im looking through my clothes when i get a text from Emily.

[ Em: Looks like your Idol is in deep water.]

With the text is a link to a gossip site.

Tittle in big bold letters. (G-Dragon allegedly dating Japanese model Kiko Mizuhara)

Not one to believe in gossip, I'm quite skeptical. Em doesn't know we sort of have a thing. I scroll down to see more than one picture of him with her in very intimate positions. They look very in love. This sinking feeling engulfs me.

I text Emily back.

[sucks to be him, huh?]

[Em: i know right? It seems like they wanted

to get caught being out in the open and all.]

[ttyl k, im kind of busy!]

I immediately forward the link to JiYong.

[i think plans are definitely canceled now]

I don't wait for a reply. It went from a fantastic day, to a living nightmare.

I decide to sleep this turmoil off. Before i fall asleep i can hear my phone bussing non stop. I ignore it, knowing full well who it is.

I don't want to deal with this right now.

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