The One With A Girls Bestfriend

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I wake up disoriented.

Then I remember Ji leaving after I told him what was going on.

My stomach sinks. I knew he would be mad.

I sigh loudly and stretch. When my hand hits a body next to me I freak out falling off the bed.

Ji who was the person lying next to me wakes up in a panic "What?!" He sits up quickly.

I let out another breath "you scares the Bejesus out of me.". I crawl back up to the bed.

He looks tired. "Sorry." He says quietly .

"Are you mad at me?" he asks.

"No." I lie back down. "I just didn't see you."

"No... I mean about walking out last night." He lies with me and turns his body facing me.

Is he gonna end it now? I take another breath before the tears spill. "I wasn't mad, I was sad."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't upset about you being pregnant." He says it quietly .

"What were you mad about?" My curiosity intrigued .

"I was mad because being careless was selfish of me. I just ruined your life." He looks up at the ceiling.

Wait. What? "How could you say that? How could you even think that with out asking me how I felt?"

"because you're young, you have so many things ahead of you." He whispers.

"I can still do those things. As long as you're with me. I mean, that's if you're with me." I trail off .

He gets up and pulls a bag from the floor that wasn't visible to me from my position.

When he sits back down with me he says to open it.

There are two boxes. I pic one up and open it slowly. I can feel his eyes on me as I do.

It a small pair of shoes color blue. I look up at him in surprise. Mostly because I've never though of him in a baby store buying something ever.

"Open the other one." I do as he says.

It's another pair but in pink. "Oh my god." I whisper.

The tears that wanted to spill earlier flood out, but instead of sadness its relief.

"Do you like them." He looks at me nervously.

I nod with a loud sob and tears.

I can't control my crying at this point.

And as if on que Em comes bursting through the door.

"Am I gonna have to kick your ass!?" She asks pointing at Ji.

I laugh at Ji's expression with tears in my eyes . terror and shock.

"It okay em. I think it's the hormones. Maybe that's why I've been crying a lot."

"Oh," she clears her throat "well then .... Call me if you need anything." She walks with less blaze in her step our the door.

"She's a little weird." Ji says looking at the door.

"When did you buy these?" I swerve him back to the main topic.

"Yesterday on my way back. I had a talk with Bob and he made me see things differently."

"Who's Bob?" I ask, setting a mental note to thank him for changing the fate of our potentially disastrous ending.

"Possible a future business partner."

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