The One With Introductions

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Guess who updated????? Lol ❤️❤️❤️

"I just think its weird." My mother spoke as she cleaned the peas.

"Whats weird mom? Shouldn't it be weirder if i didn't tell you?" I ask sipping my tea.

"Well you never talked about him and your telling me you've known him for a year? Never mind it being such a short time." I know shes worried but i cant help but hear a judging tone in her voice.

"Look mom, not everyone can be child hood sweethearts." I say bitterly. Referring to her and dad. "Just promise me you wont judge him so soon? You just met him." I sigh.

"Fine fine fine. Your father likes him well enough." She walks to the sink to rinse the peas for tonight's dinner.

Speak of the devil. They walk in together talking enthusiastically about a sports game something or the other.

"There she is." My dad exclaims loudly. "You sure picked a good one Dahlia." He chuckles lightly.

"Gee thanks dad, but shouldn't you be saying that to him." I give Ji a smirk. He winks at me in return.

He grunts "we already spoke about that didn't we ol sport?" He turns to Ji.

"Yes sir, of course Sir. I'll keep my word to all of it." He says seriousness in his voice.

I try to suppress a giggle watching him be so respectful. Who would have thunk.

He notices and gives me a light glare. A put my hand up in defense but smile broadly at him.

"So where pray tell are you planning to have the wedding?" My mother chimes in.

"Uh." I haven't thought of that yet. I look at Ji panicking.

"Well ma'am, my parents definitely wouldn't mind having the wedding here." Ji speaks up "well that is if you would like it to happen here."

"Oh that would be wonderful!" She exclaims "You know I'm not big on showing off, but all your aunts annoy the hell out of me asking me when you will get married. I'll invite them all so they can stop bothering me."

The idea of throwing this in my aunts face is getting her in the spirit of this wedding. Who am i to spoil it. 

"So when is Ariel getting here?" I ask. My sister and yes named after the Princess.

"She said she'd be on her way. In a few minutes." My dad says.

The door bell rings in that instance  "Oh! I'll get it, its probably her."my mother walks out, Father walks out behind her.

I turn to Ji. "Brace yourself." I warn.

He gives me a confused look he can barely finish the "Why.." When three kids barge in yelling and screaming.

"Aunt Dilly." They all say together. Three happy faces looking up at me.

"Hi guys ive missed you soo so so much." I squeeze them all in to a tight huh.

"We cant breath" the oldest Marcus says.

"Oops." I let them go. And last but not least the two twin girls. "Hi Lily, Hi Leena."

"Hi aunt Dilly." They both say together smiling at me. With the nickname they gave me since they couldn't pronounce Dahlia. "Did you bring us something from Korea?"

"Lily, and Leena, leave your aunt alone." My sister walks in scolding.

"Oh Dahlia." Ariel walks towards me to give me a hug. Matthew her husband on her heels.

"Hey sis. How you been?" I squeeze her tightly too.

"Great." She smiles letting me go.

"And how bout you Matthew." I pull him in to a hug. "Has she been feeding you at all? You look so much skinnier!"

"Well she tries." He laughs. "But no, really I've been on a diet. Doc says I'm not getting any younger."

"Of course you are." I laugh with him.

"So." My sister says. Oh no. "This is the infamous fiancé?" She turns to Ji.

Okay guys i hope you enjoy this chapter. FINALLY. It took me forever but I'm here.
Also to let you guys know. I started a new story called Simple Twist Of Fate .
So if you guys want go check that out. It is not a fanfic. It is a product of my imagination with no existing character. It gave me the push to write a chapter here lol.
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