The One With "Okay"

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I knew it was a dream because everything was a weird color. Everything looked like it had gone through a filter. I was standing at the edge of a pool. The water was lapping like there was a current to it.

With out thinking I jumped in. I don't know how to swim.
I can't even swim outside of dream land. As soon as I hit the water I felt like I was floating . This water felt like that prickly feeling I get when Jiyong kisses me. Or just knowing that he's standing close behind me.

It felt like I was drowning in him. If this is what it feels like to drown, I wouldn't mind it so much.

"Wake up." I hear some one call out. My dream slowly fading.

When I open my eyes he's sitting beside me and i look around a little disoriented.

"Where are we?" I ask, grogginess still in my voice.

Smiling he says "did you really sleep that well? Were about to land."

Then I remember were on a flight to god know where.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"
I look at him curiously.

"You'll know soon, the pilot will announce it."

Soon enough the pilots voice rings out like a walkie talkie.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for flying with us today. Please fasten up your seat belts we are about to land. We are 10 minutes ahead of schedule. We will be landing at O'Hare in a few minutes."


"Why Didn't you just tell me?" I smile at him as a taxi pulls up next to us.

He had a lot of luggage with him. Four suitcases a carry on and a designer book bag. All I had was my suit case and a smaller carry on.

"Its called a surprise." He smiles at me as he opens the door to the cab. The cabbie jumps out to help us with our stuff.

I tell him the address to my place when Ji stops me and slips him a piece a paper and tells him to go there instead.

"Where are we going?" I ask him suspiciously .

"Another surprise." He smirks as he looks out the window.

We pull up to a tall building down town.
Ji pulls on his face mask and a hat over his face just in case people recognize him.

"Why are we here? Is this a hotel? We can just stay at my place ya know ?" I say as we walk in.

He walks straight to the elevator and pushes the button for the top floor.

Wen the doors open again there are two doors. One on the left and one on the right.
He walks to the one on the right.

Pulling out a key he says "we aren't staying at your place. We can just stay at mine."

"Your place ?..... Woah!"

There's a dream kitchen a living room, dining room, three bedrooms each with their own bathrooms. And there's a patio with a hot tub.

"This place is huge! When did you buy it?"

"When did we buy it" he corrects me. "Because I was kind of hoping you would call it your own too ..." his eyes are unsure but he's smiling.

"It's a lot of space for two people... You won't be here much. Especially with your comeback coming up." I rock on my heels doubt flooding me.

"Just think about it wile I'm here. You don't have to decide right now, okay? Let's have fun. I only have a week and a half." He pulls me closer.

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