The One Without The Answers

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She turns slowly, her face expressionless.

"What?" She hasn't spoken yet. "Tell me!!" Her silence is driving me nuts.

"You're... Pregnant?" She looks up at me unsure.

The words ring through my ears like an echo. My stomach plummets.

It can't be. It's a mistake. How?

Well I know how but why?

Em sits next to me. "It's better to go to a doctor and make sure. Some of these pregnancy test are faulty. I'm sure GD won't be mad. He's probably gonna be happy..." I drown her out with my thoughts.

She was babbling. Probably trying to make me feel better. It wasn't working.

I need some reassurance. Whether it is I am or am not pregnant. I can't just not know.

I need to get out if here. I need to be alone. To settle my thoughts. It's too much to process with a babbling Emily next to me.

I stand up and grab my bag. Before I leave I say my goodbyes. Shes not sure to let me go off on my own but I convince her otherwise.

I can't go back to Ji. Not yet. I'll freak out and then he'll freak out.

I need too see an OB-GYN.


I've made my appointment. They won't let me have a blood exam until five days from now to make sure I am pregnant.

I can't avoid Ji for five days so I'll have to lie to him until I have those test results in my hand.

When I get back to the apartment he's waiting for me.

"Where were you? I've been waiting for two hours?" He grabs me by the waist.

"I was catching up with Em." I hug him tightly.

Despite what's going on I'm still scared that he won't be happy and this time he will be the one to leave.

"We are having a picnic today." He smiles broadly at me. happy with his plans for the day.

We are lying under a tree at the park. He fell in love with Millennium Park. It's our fourth day here.

This particular visit reminds me of that dream I had before I went back to Korea.

"What are you thinking about?" Curiosity in his voice.

I contemplate the answer. I decide on the truth. "I was thinking about a dream I had." I look up at the leaves flowing in the wind above us.

"Was I in it?"

I nod.

"I had a dream with you in it too." He smiles at me.

"What was it about." I turn to face him.

He's still looking up but he's smiling. "I can't tell you... not yet anyway."

"I hope it was a good dream." I murmur. Closing my eyes.

"You've been sleeping a lot." He turns and tucks a strand from my hair that's rebelled.

"I'm tired... you should sleep too dummy. You're gonna regret it later."

"I prefer to watch you sleep."

"Creep." I murmur again.

He turns laughing . "creepy for you.... do you wanna go home?"

"Home?" I like the way he says home. "Yes. Let's go home."


Once home he cooks. Well. Tries to cook.
I end up making everything but the salad.
He insisted on making it.

"Okay lets eat." He says happily looking at the food on the table.

"Yes, sir."

I'm almost half spoonful in when he yells. "STOP."

"What what what?!" I pout. "I'm hungry."

We forgot the wine. He stands . I panic.

I'm not suppose to drink.

"Ji... I don't feel like drinking today." I say silently.

"Why not?" He stops mid stride.

"Ah.. I've been feeling a little sick lately... I don't think drinking is a good idea for me."

"Is that why you've been sleeping a lot lately?" I nod.

"Okay. We don't have to drink." He plops back down. "We can just have water."

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"Do you want me to get you some medicine later?" He looks concerned.

I hate lying to him. He's gonna find out eventually.

"No. It's okay. Its just my allergies. The antihistamine makes me sleepy. That's all." I don't miss a beat.

My heart clenches in guilt.

"Okay. If you need anything let me know. Okay?" He starts digging in.

All of a sudden I've lost my appetite.
I force myself to eat. I don't want to worry him even more.

"I've got a doctors appointment tomorrow. I won't be here most of the day."

"Do you want me to go with you?" He looks animated.

"Ah. It's okay. I already asked Em to go with me... Its gonna be boring and stuff."

Well boring for him. Tomorrow I find out how many weeks along I'm in. Em says I may not be pregnant but I'm not that naive to believe that.

°•★•°[GD's POV]°•★•°

Lying in bed next to her. I'm wide awake. I can't sleep. There too much on my mind.

Shes Been acting weird since we got back.

She sleeps all the time . Shes quiet. She seems to be off in her own mind most of the time.
Shes not as happy and vibrant as before the trip.

I feel like I did something wrong. What if the confrontation with Kiko made her question everything.

Maybe she's getting second thoughts about us. Maybe she doesn't want to be with me anymore.

I don't know what I would do with out her.

My spiral downward would probably be worse than when Kiko betrayed me.

I don't want to lose her.

Maybe she is sick. I just need to wait it out for a bit.

It's true we haven't been together that long for me to assume this isn't normal for her. We haven't discovered everything there is about us. Maybe this is normal to her persona.

I'm probably thinking too much in to this.

But I've decided to confront her tomorrow.
If she's questioning us she need to be honest and tell me.

I drift off with thoughts off her. Every night its her, but today its not happiness.

I'm like half an hour late.fogive me? Lol this one was a little harder to write but I've got inspiration for the next one. Like, comment and tell all your friends.

I'm sorry if I left you hanging in the last chapter. Hopefully this makes up for it. ^--^

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