The One With The Bathroom

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I arrived at the restaurant exactly at 8p.m.

I had called him earlier asking if it was an inconvenience to meet today and he said it was fine.

I would have been here earlier, but i had a hard time figuring out what to wear.

I figured a classic look would be appropriate. It wouldn't give a wrong message if a message wasn't being sent.

A little black dress Audrey Hepburn style. I felt pretty.

I was curious as too how this would go. Simply because he took the liberty to contact me first.

The restaurant was amazing. Definitely only for the rich and elite in Korea.

Im glad i went for the classic look. I don't feel too out of place.

Low lighting and the piano being played in a platform placed at the center of the room. Its a big restaurant with private seating arrangements.

Very intimate. Im slightly surprised he would pick a place like this.

I give my name to the host and he leads me to a table where Mark is already seated.

As soon as he sees me he stands up and only sits till i'm seated.

Ever the gentleman.

"You look beautiful." He whispers.

"Thank you."

"I hope you didn't have trouble finding the place."

And dinner goes on like that. We catch up on our lives.

He's in for a promotion at his law firm. And i tell him about the move in with Emily and how much i love my job.

As he's speaking i see non other that JiYong walk into the restaurant with a few other men behind him.

I get up quickly to use the bathroom excusing myself as i do so.

The bathroom is at the end of this really long corridor.

Walking in i hear two guest talking amongst themselves.

"Did you see him walk in?"

"Omo! He looks better in person."

"We picked a perfect day to have dinner here. We get to tell people we ate in the same place G-Dragon did."

"Do you think he'll take a picture with us?"

"You ask!" They walk out giggling.

What are the odds. Damn it. I cant escape him. Maybe he's following me.

As I'm walking back i feel a hand grasp my wrist. An oh so familiar gesture.

And as i suspect, its Ji Yong. He pulls me into this room on the left side of the hall.

Theres only one light on and very dimmed out.

"You look beautiful."he whispers.

The same words Mark wispered but i didn't feel as happy to hear them from him as i did from Ji Yong. Another surprise to myself.

"Thank you." I whisper back."why did you pull me into this room? Are you following me?"

He smiles as he looks to his right and runs his hand through his hair.

"Im here on business, but i saw you walking by so i thought i'd say hi."

"Seems like an inappropriate place for a business meeting, don't you think?"

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