The One With Confessions [WARNING:EXPLICIT] mature content

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(Authors Notes:hey guys! Please please please let me know what you think at the end of this. I am definitely not to confident about it. Constructive criticism is VERY welcome. :) please enjoy this chapter.)


I woke up to someone banging on the door.
I almost felt like they were going to break it down.
I groan in frustration.
Maybe if i ignore it they will go away.
I check the time its 2a.m. Jeeze. Its not like I'm late for work.
The banging starts up again, and some screaming on the other side.
In that oh so familiar voice.

I get up reluctantly. And open the door.
"What do you want?!" I say exasperated before i let him in.
"We need to talk." He says looking about my room. Its not so organized. I wasnt expecting company.

I roll my eyes."WE have nothing to talk about, there was no "we" to begin with."

"Why did you cancel on me?" He asks genuinely confused.

I cant help but laugh at him, "SERIOUSLY? You're asking why? Maybe because you have a girlfriend, i mean if thats not reasons enough for you i don't know what is."
I grab my phone to see 60 missed calls and god knows how many text.
"Seriously? You just blew up my phone." I look at him warily.
Theres a few messages and calls from Mark.

[Mark: i cant reach you.]
[Mark:call me when you get this, i'll be up all night. :)]

I decide to call right now at this moment. At Least i know he doesn't have a girlfriend.
And I'm not to happy with the man standing in my hotel room.

The phone rings a few times before he picks up.

"Hey, i thought you wouldn't call." Is the first thing he says.
"Sorry, i would have called earlier but i fell asleep."
"Did i wake you?!" He sounds guilty.
"Oh no, of course not, there was just some chaos going on in the hallway and i woke up." I give JiYong a dirty look.
He seems un interested with my call.
" I had a really nice time the other night Mark, we should definitely see each other again before i leave town." That caught his attention.
I shrug at him when he gives me this look of disbelief.
"Yea, definitely.... You know, i didn't want to say this at the restaurant for fear of making things awkward, but...i missed you."
And that caught my attention.

I get up and head for the balcony. This isn't a conversation i want JiYong to hear.
"Look Mark, i would be lying if i said i didn't miss you, but you broke up with me remember?"
He sighs on the other line,"i know, i know i broke your heart, but i will do everything so you can forgive me."
"Can we talk about this some other time? Im really tired." And i have someone else to deal with.
"Yes, of course! But lets make plans for another day?" He asks hopefully.
"For sure, let me know when you're free."
"Bye." I whisper, he hangs up.

I walk back inside, "how did you even know i was staying here?" Is the first thing i ask.
"Wait! Don't even tell me. I don't want to know. I just want you to leave."

"Look, those pictures are real." He looks away. "But they were taken about two months ago."
He doesn't say more. I personally don't like to pry, so i wait for him to continue.
As i wait i start cleaning the stuff thats on the floor and placing them in the small hotel closet.
After a few minutes of silence he speaks. "I found out that she had set up the photographer." I stop what I'm doing to look at him.
He's now lying on my bed with his arms draped over his face. Like if he were hiding.
I walk over to sit on the bed next to him.
"She had planned it, when we had promised to keep it a secret. At least until we were ready to admit it. Apparently she was ready... So i broke it off. It felt like a betrayal."
He doesn't say more.

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