The One Where He's Speechful

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The doctors office only had a few patients.
There was a woman who seemed to be on the same boat as me. She was a ball of anxiety fidgeting in her seat.

I was watching the rest of the people here to distract me.

A woman almost ready to pop was here alone but she seemed happy flipping through one of the magazines that belonged to the stack next to her.

There was another woman here with her husband. She wasn't showing yet but they both seemed excited and nervous at the same time.
I was distracted analyzing the tile on the floor when the receptionist calls my name.

"Doctor Robin is Ready for you Dahlia Moore."
I cringe at my last name. It's so cliché.
Yes like the actress.

I walk in to the office and she's waiting for me.

She looks up from some papers. "Miss Moore?" She looks up expectantly.

"That's me. You can just call me Dahlia."
I sit awkwardly.

"You are here for a blood test." She folds her hands in front of her on the desk. "You want to make sure you are pregnant right?"

"Yes ma'am... I was late on my period and I took a test. It said I was pregnant, but I wanted a more reliable source ." Now I was the one to ramble on. She's staring at me like she can see right through me.

"I'm assuming your boyfriend? Husband? Doesn't know you're here?" She pries.

"Yea ... boyfriend. I didn't want to freak him out until I was sure.".. I avoid her gaze and look at the name plate on her desk.

Dr. Nicole Robin. Two first names. That's funny.

"Well. Let's get started shall we. Now, it isn't recommended to actually have a blood test if you are pregnant. So I suggest an ultrasound. Is that fine with you?" She says with her eyebrows raised.

I nod shocked. I should have done my research first. Now she probably thinks I'm stupid.

"Walk with me." She stands and strides to the door. I follow on her heels with my purse clutched with both hands.

We walk in to the room with those weird clinic beds that only fit one person, barely, and paper covering it.

I automatically sit at the edge wile she sits on the weird looking computer next to me.

She tells me to lie down and lift my shirt exposing my abdomen.

She squeeze some of that weird glue looking stuff on me and its cold, and some on the Transducer Probe that will go on my stomach.

"Are you ready?" She looks up from the computer. To me.

"Yes." I say silently looking at the screen.

She places the transducer right under where my hips rest. Shes pressing harder than I thought she would.

Nothing for a few seconds wile my eyes are glued to the screen.

Then I hear it coming from the computer a steady beat.

"There." She points at the screen at a very tiny, barley noticeable dot. "Do you see it?"

Shes still looking at the screen.

"Yes." I say. This is crazy.

"That is your baby." She turns to smile at me.
The first smile since I walked in to her office.

"My baby ..." I repeat after her.

"That's my baby?" I question it. Even though she's already confirmed it.

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