The One With The Necklace

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Hey guys! Gah new chapter.
In the media section theres a video of Blue October. It kind of inspired this chapter. :)
i hope you like the song, also watch out for that mature content lol.
Sorry if this chapter is also short. I didn't even check how long it was. ENJOY!
Like and comment with your thoughts!


The next night after work there is a knock at my door. When i look through the peep hole theres someone standing there with a bouquet of roses.

I open the door assuming it would be a delivery boy but he walks into the room quickly.
Im about to protest when i see JiYong is the one holding the flowers.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.
He sets the flowers down before turning to me.

"Im here to give you a gift." He smiles at me his perfect smile.

"Why are you giving me a gift? Also you cant just barge in here." Placing both my hands on my hips to show I'm not playing.

"I told you i would make it up to you... Im sorry i ignored you. Also today i wont touch you... Unless you ask me to of course. So today we are just going to talk. Get to know each other." He gets himself comfortable on the bed.

I reluctantly sit next to him.

"Okay, so what do we talk about?" I look at him curiously.
"Anything. Ask me anything."
"Okay, whats your favorite color?"
"I like them all, I've never been one to pick a favorite."


We talk for hours. About anything and everything. Moms and dads. Pets. Our first loves. Hobbies and passions. We learned so much about each other.

He was funny and smart. The more i got to know him the more i liked him. We didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things but thats what made him appealing. He was a challenge i liked.

Before we knew it it was midnight. I didn't want him to leave. And he didn't.

He stayed the night and we just cuddled. Nothing else happened.
It was perfect.

We turned off the lights and held each other till we fell asleep. I remember his heart beat lulling me to sleep. Like a sweet melody.

Before succumbing to sleep i remember thinking i could love him. Love him like no other. Even if their was pain to this love i could try to hold on. Even if this was just a fling for him this would be something to stay with me forever.

Its only been a few days but i already know how important he will be if he sticks around a bit longer.


The next morning i wake up to this weird feeling of being watched.

I open my eyes slowly to find JiYong looking at me.
I cant find the words to describe the way he looked at me but that warm fuzzy feeling spread through me again.

"Good morning." I whisper as a blush spreads through my face.
"You really are beautiful." He says while he places his hand on my hip.

"I have to go soon." He admits sadly.
"Why?!" I still don't want him to leave.
"I cant let the paparazzi see me."
"Oh... Right." I look away. Its sad he has to leave but i wouldn't want him in trouble.

"Im going to take a shower, if thats okay?" He asks as he gets up.

"Yes of course." I smile at him as i sit up.

As he walks into the bathroom i notice he doesn't lock the door.

I stand up quickly as i hear the water starts running.

Ive never been the one to initiate sex, but i mean theres a first time for everything.
I make my decision quickly.

I grab two towels from the closet and strip by the bathroom door.
I take a few deep breaths before i open the door slowly.

He's washing his hair as i walk in. He's facing the shower stream, his eyes are closed an his face is tilted up. My vision trails downward, a little disappointed the shower door is stained blue halfway down.

I walk quietly towards the shower and slip in behind him. He's still washing his hair.
I grab some body wash and lather it in my hands before slowly placing them on his back.

He turns quickly with a shocked expression before he relaxes at my sight.
"You scared the hell out of me." He says breathless.

I giggle at his reaction.
"You think its funny?" He asks as he looks me up and down.
Making me feel insecure. I try to cover myself up with my hands.
But he grabs me by the wrists and pins them to the wall on either side of my face. Im pushed up against the wall and he's inches away.

He looks me up and down slowly before his gaze stops at my eyes. I predict him kissing me hungrily like all the other times, but he leans in slowly and just as slowly kisses me. He lets go of my hands to place his on either side of my face holding me in place.

Ive never been kissed like this before. Its slow and passionate. Like melted sweet dark chocolate in your mouth. I pull him closer so our bodies are touching as much as they can.

I cant say how long we kissed like that but after a wile he lifts me so my legs are on either side of his waist.
I can feel his member rubbing on my clit and i moan between the kisses.
Like an answer to my unspoken thoughts he slips inside me slowly releasing another moan from my lips.
He hisses as he say "you're so tight." In a low voice.
He's holding me tightly as he slowly thrust in and out.

I've never had such passionate sex before. Definitely something in its own form. Just as that thought slips through my mind my walls tighten as i cum around him. Letting a silent breath slip through my lips. He moans and lets go after a few thrust.

He stays inside me as our breathing and heart beats slow down.

When we have both calmed down he slips out of me and turns me around.
Hugging me from behind.
"I think i could fall in love with you." He whispers the words i was thinking last night.
Im glad my back is turned on him because i don't think i could say it to his face either.
"I think i could fall for you too." He tightens his hold on me at my words.


After our shower we get dressed together. As I'm facing the mirror he stands beside me and slips a necklace around me.

I look at him surprised, "its your gift." He says as he clips it around my neck.
At a closer inspection its a silver necklace with a ruby inside a silver heart.

"Its beautiful!" I gasp turning to look at him. "I thought the flowers were my gift." They were sitting on my side of the beds night stand.

"They both are, i have to go now.." He kissed me one last time before he slips out the door.

Im left standing looking at the mirror at myself. Smiling like a moron. The butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

Its been a long time since i have felt this way. Its exciting. I miss him already.
I know I'm falling to quickly but it doesn't matter.
Im sure we can find a way to make it work once i have to go home.


Through out the day I have this goofy grin on my face.

Its more prominent when i get a text from JiYong asking if he can come over tonight too.

In that moment i miss Emily. I wish i could tell her everything thats happened but our time differences makes it hard for me to call her and chat for long.

I reply to him saying he could and he sends me a winky face emoji. Making me blush.
I look up to make sure no one is looking.

My whole body tingle at the thought of seeing him again.

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