The One Where He Calls

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I take my time walking to the rehearsal room trying to plot a way out of this mess.

There has to be a way, i mean c'mon, what are the odds.

I cant be this unlucky.

Maybe he's not there. He seemed to be in a hurry.

He probably was running late for an appointment or something.

Walking into the room I'm relieved to see the only person here is my boss.

"Hey!" I call out."where is everyone?"

She's busy setting up the equipment.

"They're in a meeting, they'll be here soon."

"Oh....uh do you really need me here?

I mean its a small room and its just rehearsal!"

"I guess you're right.. Just help me set up and you can have the day off,

sight see or something."

she smiles at me.

In that moment the doors are open and the dance crew walk in and right behind them is Big Bang.

I swear it was like the movies,

it happened slow motion style.

It took my all to look away and not freak out like a school girl.

Avoiding all eye contact in my best case scenario.

The boss and i bow in greeting and they do the same.

She introduces me as the assistant.

Im just trying not freak out, but my eyes keep darting to Kwon Ji Yong (GD).

Luckily he's not looking at me either.

He looks kind of pleased though.

I wish i knew what he was thinking.

Everything goes smoothly and they start practicing wile i finish setting up.

I take a couple of greedy glances at him but he's still not looking at me.

Its comforting but its still upsetting.

When i turn my back though its as if i can feel his eyes on me.

I wish i could catch him looking at me.

Even though i know it will just make things awkward.

I settle on acting as nothing happened.

Im happy that i finish my work quickly and ask the boss if its ok for me to head out.

"So i finished my work, is it cool if i can leave or do you need anything else."

I feel awkward talking because I'm very self aware that everyone can hear what I'm saying.

"No you're good to go."

Wooosh. Thank god, the tension is high in here.

Well, at least on my part it is.

Its so aggravating. Like, i want his attention but at the same time i don't.

Im so confused right now.

I just need to get away from here.

Im right about to walk out the door when i hear him call me out.

Or more like call some one out.


I turn instinctively and as soon as i do i regret it.

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