The One With The World Upside Down

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It was a sticky summer day in Chicago.
I was sitting on a bench in Millennium Park watching as the kids played in the Crown Fountain that changed faces every so often. Giggling and splashing as they went. The parents watching on the side lines.

In peaceful moments like these i thought of him. It had been so long since our last meeting and things drastically took a turn for the worst.
I never answered his calls and immediately changed my number. My fear of heartbreak definitely exaggerating my actions.

There was always that "what if" crossing through my mind but immediately shot down by the last image of him. It wasn't something i could bear to dwell on.

It wasn't worth it. Just three months ago i had agreed to give Mark another shot at a relationship. Dutifully sticking by my side through the heartbreak until i was ready to move on. I had told him everything that had happened. From how i met him to how things proceeded. Although i never told him who he was. He also didn't have a clue.

I did tell Emily. She was reluctant to believe me but when i stopped listening to his song and threw out every piece of paraphernalia i had of him she slowly convinced herself.

Sitting in the park waiting for Mark to show up i had some news i was sure he didn't want to hear.
I spot him walking up with two ice coffees in hand.
"I got you something to cool off." He says as he leans in to peck me on the lips.
To be completely honest I'm only dating him out of pity. And maybe for personal benefits, like maybe helping me get over my last love. He doesn't need to know i compare him in every aspect and find that he just doesn't match up. Especially in bed, he's not bad, but then again he's not amazing, but then i think I'm idolizing him to much.

"Thanks," i smile at him as we both sit. "I actually have some news."
"Oh? Is it good news?" He seems excited.
"It depends on how you take it... I've been asked to go back to South Korea."

I sit and wait for the worst and as expected from him he does get mad.
"You cant go. Absolutely not. You will not." He's standing in front of me at this point.

"What do you mean i will not? You cant tell me what i cant or can do!" I stand to confront him. " look i don't want to argue and i know what your thinking... But the odds of bumping into him are very slim."

"We will talk about this later. I have to go back to work." He starts walking away. I sit back down. Knowing how tough its going to be to convince him its okay. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was the same company as his.

Its just like him to avoid the problem when a situation approaches. This is why we broke up last time. He was tired of all the problems and i was tired of un resolving them.


There was nothing to argue though, i had already bought the ticket.
The next time we talked he was so mad. He was so mad i didn't consult him before deciding.

"Why should i consult you on my work? It doesn't seem logical! I thought you would understand!" He was already upset.

"I guess I'm that insignificant in your life huh? Fine then, so be it." He stormed off after those last words.

When it was finally time for me to go he had refused to take me to the airport.
I wasn't even upset, although i should have made an effort to make up with him he was acting like a child.

I had already decided to ignore JiYong if i bumped into him. Which was likely.
He was probably already over me anyway.


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