The One With Few Words

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Im looking up into these dark dark eyes, so dark you could get lost.

And before i know it he's getting up with an apology in Korean.

"Its okay, i owed you one anyway. Looks like were even now." I say in english as I laugh awkwardly.

He gives me this weird look before he he ask in a accented english.

"Do you not speak Korean?"

"No, yes, i mean no... Just a bit." Oh no, I'm stammering. I probably look stupid.

"Oh." Is all he says.

We're just standing there awkwardly when all of a sudden their are foot steps from the direction he was leaving.

He looks a little panicked looking around for something.

He spots a janitors room and tries the lock. Its open. He slides in and as he does many reporters, to many to count, rush by me.

Im about to get pushed around again and i feel something, or more like someone tug at my arm. I fall into this pitch black room.

Its too cramped. I know who it is and he's pushed up against me.

The room is too small for two.

Im about to say something but he covers my mouth with his hand.

"Shhh" is all he says.

Outside the room i can hear some people arguing.

The sound is muffled but they are clearly looking for someone.

Unfortunately they stopped right outside the door.

In the darkness i cant really see him but i can feel, his shoulders aren't broad but he's not out of shape. He's not too tall. I would have to stand on tip toes to be face to face with him.

I feel really uncomfortable. I want to leave but the reporters are still outside.

I haven't had someone invade my personal space like this in a long time.

Im not sure i like it.

But then again its not everyday you're crammed in a room with your kpop idol.

I should probably just enjoy it wile i can.

I start thinking about what i would do if i weren't so shy.

I blush and I'm grateful that its dark so he cant see me.

Thank god he doesn't know this or else this would be way more embarrassing.

"I have to get to work." I whisper to him.

Ive completely lost track of time.

As i say this i can hear the reporters shuffling away.

As i try to push past him to get to the door he pushes my shoulders back and i hit the other side. It wasn't painful but the aggressive ness has me shocked.

He pushes up against me and whispers

"are you just going to leave like that?"

I am so confused as to whats happening but his lips are centimeters away from mine and i can feel his breath on my face.

I have no time to process the situation before his lips are on mine but what i do next is more of a shock to myself than it is to him.

I kiss him back. And i start day dreaming about how awesome it would be to date the infamous G-Dragon.

And at that moment my phone rings and I'm angry but grateful at the same time to who ever has impeccable timing.

I push him off me and try for the door. He doesn't stop me this time and once I'm free i run, i run like theres no tomorrow.

Mainly because i didn't want to look at him and secondly because i would have nothing to say to him, we don't know each other.

What would i say, oh, thank you for the lip lock in the janitors closet lets do that again sometime? Jeeze, I'm surprised at the bluntness of my thoughts but its true i wouldn't mind a second go like that one. I probably wont see him again. It doesn't even matter.

My phone is still ringing. I pick it up knowing its the boss.


"Why does it sound like you've been running?"

"Because i have been running."

"Uhh may i ask why?"

"Because I'm late?" I ask confused?

"Riiiiiiight.. Hurry up the meetings about to start i need you here to take down notes.

We're gonna brain storm."




The meeting only took an hour or so,I'm so exited.

I will also be shooting with the camera. Since its such a big event the boss wants me to help out too. Which means she thinks I'm good enough to take on this important event. I am beyond happy.

Shes still in a few meeting about the contract and such but i cant leave the building or at least stay in the area, they want us to also take shots of the rehearsals with the artist. Im not sure who are the artist but I'm slightly freaking out.

What if one of the artist or groups is Big Bang. Then I'm screwed...

Im not even going to freak out. How bad can it be?

As I'm waiting in the coffee shop a few shops down from the studio or what ever its called im drinking some much needed coffee and reading a book emily lent before i left, i decide to update my Instagram.

I settle for a picture of my coffee and book with the caption

"sometime you just need a break from reality... And men. Why are they so weird?

#awkwardsituations #strangers"

I wont expect a ton of likes but I'm sure Emily will love that I'm finally reading her book.

Almost instantly i get a notification by none other than Emily.

~Emi_em: Gaahh your reading my book!!!~

And just as quicky.

~Emi_em: Men?!? What men?!~

Damn it i have no time to reply i'll just call her later.

Why is she even up? Im too distracted to calculate the time zones.

I get a call from the boss.

"Hey i need you to head back we're gonna shoot some rehearsal scenes."

"Yea sure I'm heading out now, do you know who we are taking photos of?"

I say as I'm walking out.

"Yea its a boy band cant remember the name...bang something or the other."

"Uh, big Bang?"

"Yea thats the one, meet me at the rehearsal room in five."

She hangs up leaving me baffled and shocked.

"So much for never seeing him again." I mumble to myself.

This is going to be interesting.

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