Authors Notes.

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Hello guys!! Im so grateful for all the reads. But this time i have a question for you guys.

Im sure you all have heard about GDs recent scandal with Kiko. I was shocked, and kind of uninspired to write some more. But then i had a grand idea!! Should i use this for material on my fanfic!? Hmm?!

Ive already got some great ideas!

Lol let me know in the comments if you think it would be a great idea,

or should i leave it out of the story completely!

Once again thank you for my humble reads and likes. Every single one is an award to me. :3 <3

Im also really sorry if it takes me forever to update,

but this is my first fanfic and i want it to be perfect for me and you guys. (^ㅂ^)

Im slightly the perfectionist lol

Hopefully you guys are having a wonderful week!

With all these Kpop scandals its hard to keep up! Lol

Let me know if theres anything you want me to add to the story besides this too!!

Im open to any suggestion.

Im finding it hard to write in those naughty/smutty scenes lol.

Im not to comfortable with it yet.

Should i be more aggressive!?

Or should i just be subtle? Hmm.

Comment your thoughts please!!! It would be grandly appreciated. <33

Love from me to you guys!! <(^ㅅ^)>

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