The One With The Key.

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With all the work piled up i have no time for breaks.

Im sitting in his bed, in one of his shirts, editing a picture when he walks in.

"Nice shirt." he says as he dries off his hair from his shower.

He gives me that smirk that makes my heart race.

"Thanks, its really expensive." I smile cheekily at him.

"Whose the sugar daddy?" He questions playfully.

"Hmm, he's self centered, arrogant, and just takes what he wants." I say with a thoughtful smile. When he scowls i add "but he's handsome, has a beautiful heart and soul, and i wouldn't trade him for the world. Even if he was broke." I add quickly.

He pecks me on the cheek as he sits next to me and looks at my work. "Hows it going?"

"Its getting a little boring." I sigh loudly.

"I know something thats not boring, and fun for both of us." He wiggles his eyes brows at me.

"Pervert." I laugh at him.

"Only for you, baby." He says as he gets up and walks out.

I lie back down and hold a pillow to my chest wondering how things can be so perfect after so much pain.

I should probably call Emily. I hope she doesn't get too mad.

As i wait for her to pick up, my nerves are on edge so i stand to pace the room.

"Hello? Dahlia? You never called me back! Im going to murder you! WHAT HAPPENED!? Tell me everything!!" She yells over the phone.

"Woaah woah woah, calm your tits girl. I have a lot to tell you. Like a lot. I don't even think a phone call is appropriate for all i have, but i need someone to talk to."

"Okay, I'm all ears." She says her voice calming instantly.

So i tell her everything. From how Jiyong and me got it on in the dance studio all the way up to Kiko calling me a one night stand.

"Holy shit. Your life is basically a drama. Be right back, I'm selling the plot to hollywood." She says sarcastically.

"So you're not mad that i got back with him?" I ask tentatively.

"Why would i be mad? Are you crazy? I couldn't be mad at you if i tried. If it was a misunderstanding then its okay. Plus, Mark was a total tool. I never liked him to begin with." She says it all casually, like if we ere lounging on our couch gossiping.

"Im so glad, your opinion matters you know. Anyway, enough about me. What about you?" I walk into the living room. JiYong is sitting on the couch playing with his phone.

"Okay. Don't freak out. Promise you wont freak out." She says nervously over the phone.

"I wont freak out. I promise."

"Okay, remember our sexy neighbor?"

"Yea, i remember our sexy neighbor." Ji looks up at these words. He stands and places his ear to the opposite side of my phone, his face right next to mine.

"Well, he asked me out!" She squeaks.

"OMG. HE ASKED YOU OUT! OMG!!" I start screaming over the phone and she joins me. He backs away and covers his ears.

"I told you don't to make a big deal out of it." She doesn't sound angry as she speaks.

"How can i not, you've been crushing on him since we moved in." Enthusiasm in my voice.

"Okay, okay, we can talk later, i have a date to prepare for." She hangs up.

I smile at the phone when he speaks. "was that Emily?"

"Yes." I smile from ear to ear at him.

"Did you talk about me?" He asks suspiciously sitting back down in his spot.

"Uh, define talk? I just told her some stuff here and there." Looking away i fidget with my phone.

Before i know it he pulls me by the arm and i land on his lap. I blush red.
"What are you doing?"

"Don't act shy on me now. Now, what was this about a 'hot neighbor guy'?" Jealousy seeping through his voice.

"Are you jealous?" I smirk mischievously.

"So what if I'm jealous?" He pushes me against the couch. "You are mine."
He looks me in the eyes.

The way he said it was very possessive of him, but i knew he also meant he was mine also.

"I also get very jealous. Just so you know. I don't like girls being around you at all times." He smirks slowly leans in for a kiss.

He flips us so I'm on top and i get a great idea. With some effort i push away from him. He looks up at me shocked.

I skip to the room as i yell "i have to finish my work!!" I can hear him groan and i smile at myself.


The next day we are up late. I wake up before him and set to finish the photos i didn't do last night.

When he wakes up I've finished and even had breakfast ready. When he leaves he gives me a spare key to his place.

"Here, you can stay here. I like when you stay here. Maybe bring some stuff?" He hands me the key and i smile broadly at him.

The day is so busy i don't even have time to think about the key. That is until its dark out and im heading to my hotel and i remember what Ji said. I ask the taxi to wait here.

I come back with my smallest bag filled with the essentials. Asking him to go to Ji's place.

As im walking through the hall to his door i spot a woman standing outside his door. Its Kiko. I walk slowly up to her and ask "are you here to see JiYong?" She gives me a weird look before nodding.

"I don't think he's here." I grab the key from my bag and open the door.
She gives me this 'unbelievable' look. Walking through the door i ignore it.
Closing the door behind me but not before watching her leave.

I smile at myself in triumph. And as i suspected. Ji isn't here.

I didn't like this chapter as much, i kept rewriting it. Thats why it took a few days to post. Im sick atm so bare with me if i don't post to much. Hope you like it ❤️

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