The One With The Unexpected

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It was the last day of Fashion week. The place was crowded. People looking about for a sign of the show starting.
A mix of fashion icons and celebrities of all sorts.
A few photographers clustered here and there. I was already getting into the zone.
To get the perfect pic you have to push your way to a good spot.
Which was usually front and center of the runway, but security wasn't letting people near the stage yet.

I was getting impatient. This whole thing was a nice experience, but too high maintenance for me.

I felt bad for the people walking in and out of back stage.
They all looked stressed and tired. But after every show they looked relieved and celebrated that their show was a success. After months of hard work they can finally relax. Even if its just for a bit.

An exceptionally stressed man walks out looking frantically through the crowed. Probably a model gone AWOL. He's short and stout. With a definite receding hair line.
He looks directly at me and his eyes widen. I look away embarrassed that he caught me looking. I look up again and he's walking towards me. I start to panic but when he reaches me he grabs my wrist and pulls me to that infamous back stage door.

Once through i pull my hand free from his grasp. "What are you doing!?" I question.
"Just follow me." He said rushed as he grabbed my wrist again.

He takes me to this older woman who somehow looks familiar.
The stout old mad then asks "What about her?" He turns to me and motions me to turn around once. I do as he says curious as to what this all might lead too.

The classy older lady looks at me "Have you ever modeled before?"

"Uh, no ma'am I'm a photographer. I capture the models." I look awkwardly at the floor.

"Well that changes today. Get her ready Marco." She looks at him and walks away before turning one last glance at me.

I look at Marco. "Wait. What?" Im in shock.

"No time for questions. We must get you ready. You will be closing todays ceremony with this dress." He dramatically pulls a curtain where the woman was standing.

"Me. Wear that?" I look at him and back at the dress. "But its too beautiful for me."


They had me walking back and forth back stage on white stilettos. Since i was shorter than the average model i needed a boost in my height. I was in love with the shoes, and dress and everything.

The only person that knew was the boss. I knew Jiyong was here because he loved Vivienne Westwood. I hadn't bumped in to Kiko yet. Which had me on edge.
I knew she was here.

"Its time to get you in the dress. Are you ready?" I nod and Marco ushers me to the changing room.

It took three women to get me in the dress. After they set my hair in place. Had my accessories put on they finally let me look at myself.

I was a stranger in that dress. It was a strapless fishtail dress. It snug to my body all the way down to my knees where it fanned out into a beautiful train. It was finely embroidered from top to bottom.

"Stop gawking at yourself its your turn to go on stage." Marco snaps me out of my thoughts.

As i get closer to the stage my nerves are unleashed. What if i trip. What if i ruin the dress.

The last girl walks off the stage and murmurs good luck too me.

I slowly walk up the platform with the help of a few hands.

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