The One With The Dream

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I kept thinking about what happened with him just two days ago.
I was mad at myself for letting it get out of hand. He hypnotized me. I lost control to my instincts.

Every time we bumped into each other i made sure we were not alone. I wasn't going to walk into a situation like that again.

My mind was waging a war in my head with his last words about perspective. What did he mean? I start doubting my judgement. Regret flooding me. I should not have run away a year ago. Now i cant do anything, i have Mark now.

Tonight i was invited to go out an drink with some of the dance member and crew of YG. The boss was also going. We built a fond relationship with a few of them so we were invited. I was set on forgetting him for the night.

I wore a little black dress that made me feel amazing. I had gained a few pound so my curves were on display. My breast practically popping out, i would feel slutty but all the other girls were wearing even more revealing clothes. It was making me envious of how skinny they were. They kept complimenting my body shape through the night. It boosted my ego.

It wasn't a big deal. We had a private room in a club, the dance floor was packed. It was much more relaxing to stay in the room. After playing a drinking game that definitely left me tipsy we decided to head out to the dance floor.

Dancing through the crowd the alcohol starts moving through my blood quicker.
After a few minutes of dancing i don't recognize anyone around me but this cute Korean man walks up to me and starts speaking. I try to tell him, or more like signal, that i don't speak Korean well, especially on a lost state of mind. He's persistent and manages to get me to dance with him.

After a few minutes he tries to pull me in closer as he starts placing his hand around me. I push him away and make an X motion with my hand but he doesn't seem to care an tries to get closer again. Before his hand reaches me i feel a hand snake around my waste and pull me through the crowed. Who ever it is, is definitely stronger than me because i cant loosen my grip. My back is facing them so i still cant get a closer look.
I also don't have the energy. I try to remind myself never to drink this much in the future unless Emily is around.

After breaking through the crowed he pushes me into another private room a lot bigger than the one i had with my group. When i finally see who was pulling me here i lose it, and start laughing uncontrollably.

"Of all places, and people, it just had to be you." I say this through the laughter. Its definitely the alcohol making me act stupid but at this point i cant control myself.

I sit down and grab the nearest bottle. Im already drunk anyway. After a long swig i look at him and say "so what do you want?.. Let me guess. You want a booty call for the night." I giggle as i say this. Not giving a fuck is fun.

"Is that what you think of me?" He says as he sits across from me.

"No, thats not what i think of you. Thats what you have shown me." I take another sip of what ever was on the table.

I cross my legs and sit back. Looking at him closely. He has his hand on his face massaging his temple.

His hair is slicked back and groomed. With a buttoned up shirt thats tucked in on some skinny jeans. "

"Oh how i tried." I laugh at myself as i close my eyes and lean back.

"Tried what?" He asks disinterested. His signature emotion.

"How i tried to forget you." I organize my thoughts before speaking up again.
"For a year i avoided everything that might be slightly related to you. But you cant control your dreams. There you were, every single night taunting me like a nightmare."
I open my eyes to look at him.

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