The One With Bob

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★•°*·-G.D.'s POV-·*°•★

What ... what? Did she just say what I think she just said?

This has to be a joke. I look at her. Really look at her. She doesn't seem to be.

I back up and sit when the back of my knees hit the couch.

"What?" I look at her again.

She pulls out an envelope from her purse and Hands it to me.

I examine the envelope. It's an odd shape. From a clinic.

"Open it." She says. Quietly.

I do. There's a picture. Of an Ultrasound.

She sits next to me and points at a dot on the picture. "There ... that's the ... the baby ..."

I examine the speck. It's so small. Is that really a baby?

"I heard its heart beat." She whispers.

But how? It's only been about a month and a half.

She reads my mind "doc says I've been pregnant for at least 4-5 weeks." She says.

"I think it was the first day I went back to Korea." She clears her throat. "You know?.. The.. Umm . The day of the dance room." She shifts awkwardly.

"Oh." Its the only time that we didn't use protection.

I don't know how I should feel.

I should be happy, but I feel like I just ruined her future.

Shes still young. She has many things to accomplish.

Me on the other hand. I've already done more than most. It would be a nice change to settle down.

Guilt rings through me. This isn't just about me. Shes the leading role here.

"I need to think." I get up and walk out the door.


I'm sitting at the bar alone when a man sits next to me.

He looks over at me and nods. I nod in return out of courtesy .

I return my attention back to my dilemma at hand.

"She told you today huh?" He exhales looking at his own drink. "I was there once. Don't be nervous. It's your kid."

"I'm not nervous ... it's something else that's bothering me." I sigh.

"What is it?" He looks at me, and then at the photo.

"I feel like I ruined her life."

He cracks up. "Son, you have a lot to learn about women. She's probably thinking that she ruined your life."

"Really?" I turn to look at him for the first time.
He's way older than me. His hair is mostly greys, but he's well dressed. Business man I assumed.

"Sure kid, in situations like these you need to put yourself in her shoes. If she loves you like you obviously love her then she's worried about you right now... Nothing you can do now. That bun is already in the oven..

You can either step up and be a father or walk away. That's up to you but this isn't just you anymore. It's her. You. And a baby."

I study his words ... he's right. I can't walk away from this. Giving up that baby isn't an option.

"She probably thinks I'm mad." I take sip of my drink.

"She'll get over it. Buy her some flowers and you're good to go." He calls the bartender over. "Two of the same." He points at our drinks.

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