The One With The Daugter.

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I woke up in a tangle of limbs and sheets. His legs were intertwined with mine, that should have been an awkward position, but surprisingly comfortable.

Automatically i blush remembering all that happened last night. Glad i didn't puke on him.

I should have regretted coming on to him, it was definitely the alcohol speaking.
Whats done is done i thought to myself. I cant take it back now, and if i say i regret it, it would make me seem like a heartless bitch. Which i wasn't, and it did mean something... Well at least on my part it meant something. Who knows what he was thinking.

It was as if he was radio tuned to me because it wasn't long before he started waking up. I tried to detangle myself from him but i didn't get far before he pulled me by the waist.

"Please, lets just stay like this for a bit." I didn't say anything, but i didn't pull away.
He snuggles up to me as we face each other, his face buried in my hair.

Warmth spreading through my body. I pull him closer and take in his scent. I knew it better than my own. I missed it. I could never figure out what it was. Maybe it was his own unique smell. I took deep breaths, fear setting in on when i would be here again.

Happy that its my day off, i slowly start to fall asleep floating in his warmth and scent. Finally at peace, even though the longer i prolonged this the longer its gonna take to find a way out.

I don't think i want a way out. Ive been in denial for fear of another broken heart. This little bit of happiness is worth a million broken hearts, i thought, before completely falling asleep.



I felt her fall asleep in my arms. My heart felt like it would explode. I never thought i would get this chance again.

I knew she had someone else back home, but i didn't care. I would wait for her. Even if she just wanted me once in a wile, holding her in my arms like this would be enough. I knew my jealousy would consume me to no end but a little bit of her would be the cure.

I laugh at myself for even considering being her side guy. Was my love for her that strong? Could i do it for her. I knew i could and would, but it was up to her if she would have me.

I also fall asleep. In my dream I'm walking in through the hall to see Dahlia, shes barefoot in the kitchen making something that smells delicious. I take in the smell, its almost so real. I look down to see a little girl run up to me yelling 'daddy' at the top of her lungs. She runs back to Dahlia and says "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy's home!" My heart clenches when i see she has features of me and her. The pretties girl I've ever seen. My dream slowly starts fading to the sound of the real her calling my name.

Disappointed, i open my eyes to see her wearing one of my shirts. The smell of my dream filled the room.

"JiYong? I made some breakfast... Well, more like lunch." She points at the time. Its noon.

"I had the greatest dream ever." I say to her with a grin.

"Oh?" She tilts her head to the side.

"I cant tell you... Maybe someday if it comes true ill tell you." I say softly.

"Ji... We need to talk." She was nervous. I knew what she wanted to say. I wasnt ready to hear it.


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