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"You guys!" I waved to a group of girls, amongst the packed hall of teenagers.
They looked in my direction, acknowledged my presence and motioned me to come over.

I squeezed through a pack of  students which wasn't too hard considering my small size, before making it over to them.
"Hey ho!" I greeted.

"What's up, short stack?" Quinn, joked. Her baby blue eyes were filled with amusement as she placed her palm on my head and the others laughed.

I swatted her hand away in annoyance. " I'm not short! you guys are just freakishly tall!" I pointed out.

"Yeah, lemme guess, your average height?" Camari asked sarcastically, ruffling my already messed up curly caramel hair.

I glared at her before. swatting her hand away too
"Yes, I'm average height!, its not my fault you guys are like jacks bean stalk!" I huffed.
"Your 5'3, that's not average height"Jayden pointed out. She towered over me and everyone else even though she was slouching. She was the tallest among us all and she loved showing it off.

I glared at them all "You guys are annoying!".

"Don't get mad, your height is cute" Camari cooed, booping my noise.

I glared at her finger menacingly. "Hmm. Its almost like you don't want to keep that finger"

She quickly retracted her finger and quirked an eyebrow, not getting very surprised.

I glared at her one last time before deciding that I would rather tell them about an amazing book I found on wattpad and recommending it.

"You guys should really read this book, it will change your life for the better" I stated, after giving them a brief summary of the book.

Jayden snorted "in what way?"

"In many ways!" I snapped, poking her stomach.

Quinn raised a brow and adjusted her round hippy glasses"All you do is read wattpad, its unhealthy to stare at a screen for too long".

"And also ,don't you have a test tomorrow?" Camari asked, getting her books out of her dark brown locker.

"Yeah, but I'm using a little something I like to call -" I smacked my palms together and gave them jazz hands"-multi-tasking".

"Well -" Jayden copied my hand gesture with fake enthusiasm"- multitasking!,will make you fail the subject"

I gave a loud groan in response.

"Awwwn, look a Jenny over there" Camari suddenly said changing the subject and directing our attention to a blonde girl, standing by the maroon brown and dark  yellow patterned lockers ". She's standing all alone. I feel bad, imma go talk to her".

I watched as she skipped over to were Jenny was standing and made conversation.

Now, I had nothing against Jenny, I just didn't know her enough to go randomly and start talking to her, plus, she was one of the popular girls and the popular girls intimidated me.

I mean, most of popular guys in the school were jerks or players, but you were good as long as you avoided them completely.
But the girls?
They may not even know your name and make life hell for you.

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