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3rd person P.O.V

It was her, it was most definitely her.

Up until the incident at the park she thought the problem was the people having some sort of personal vendetta against her.

But after that day, when she tried to make a new friend with a person who knew nothing about her and was still rejected.

On her birthday.....

She swore that it must have been something wrong with her.

She had to bear the embarrassment of going to school everyday and being made fun of, with her cartoon characters and a digital, book reading app, wattpad as her only form of comfort. It was the only thing that had kept her sane through the tough years of school.

Wattpad gave her hope. A type of hope that never ran out. The stories. The people.

It gave her the hope that no matter what she wore, who she was, or how pretty she was ,there would always be someone who would love her.

But she never understood what she did wrong, she often would try to imitate the personalities of the person she adored most in her favorite wattpad books.

Sometimes she would try to be super sassy, smart and sarcastic but people got the idea that she was a snob,even though she couldn't dish out a sassy comment to save her life.

Sometimes she would try to act  rugged and wear men's clothes and act like a tomboy, like the many books she had seen but rumors spread around that she was gay or something was wrong with her.

And sometimes she would try to act super caring and compassionate to everyone but it came out as weird coming from her and soon realized she couldn't do it anymore.

She was going to try and be herself. Her weird ,girly, below average grade, self.

But not in that school.

Too many people knew her there.

And not in a good way.

When her mom got a promotion to s near by town, she was ecstatic, she agreed to move immediately ,leaving her old town along with all the memories.

In her new school, she wasn't recognized or bullied and that was pretty much enough for her, she enjoyed her few months of solitude, it wasn't too new to her.

But then she met them.

The three most wattpad girls she had ever met, all with their respective personalities:

The nerd.

The tomboy.

The golden girl.

Imogen had only seen people like this in her books and it fascinated her. They were like they were straight out of the books she read.

And soon they took an interest in her.

They started coming to talk to her, wanted to be friends with her, they went out with her and had slumber parties. They didn't care that she was weird, they just seemed to love her.

This feeling was entirely new to her and she enjoyed this foreign feeling. She became high on what I was like to have people who wanted to be around her, talk to her, spend birthdays with her. She enjoyed making them laugh and became the goof ball of their little group, making people laugh and she genuinely loved it.

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