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The dark clouds loom overhead and the rumble of thunder could be heard.

The rain beat me like tiny bullets against my skin. My clothes clung to my body and my usually fluffy hair was stuck at my forehead.

But in the way, the rain was a good thing.

No one could see me cry.

I thought about talking to my online friends about it, they always seemed concerned but I also had the desperate urge to hold someone, online friends couldn't provide that.

I thought about Michael, he always cared, but I didn't want him to see me like this.

Then my mind went to the person I dreaded to go to the most.


Why would he answer me? I left him there in the hallway. He offered to hold my hand and I left him there. I'm so stupid.

I thought about going home and crying into my pillow, it seemed like the most reasonable option, yet, I found myself knocking on the door of the house Shane lived in.

A young woman opened the door, she looked in her late 40's and I wouldn't have recognized her if not for the sky blue eyes that looked exactly like Michael.

I was suddenly overcome with the fear that Michael might be home.

She's dressed we'll with high heels and a classy handbag like she's about to go out.

The woman stared at me, confused and worried as to why I'm at the foot of their house and soaking wet.

Her eyes are soft and kind, just like Michael's.

"Good evening ma'am," I said, my voice is soft and dry.

She opened the door wider to let me in and I give her a grateful smile.

Once I'm inside, she closes the door behind me and studies my appearance.

I'm out of the rain now, so my bloodshot eyes are visible.

She was cautious in the way she talked like she was walking on glass and the little thing she said would make me blow up. "What's your name, dear?"

"I'm Imogen."

Her brows furrowed and she whispered my name under her breath before her face flashed with realization. "Oh! Imogen!" She smiled at me. "Micheal's talked about you!"

Usually, I would have been really curious and ask for all details, but I felt like all the crying had drained all energy to care. But just do be polite I gave her a tight smile. "Really? Good things, I hope."

She gave me a wide grin. "Good things! Don't worry." Her smile flatters. "I'm afraid Michael isn't here right now."

I couldn't control the wave of relief that washes over me. But I pretended to be disappointed. "Oh, is Shane here?"

"Yes, he is. I'm about to step out now, so you two can stay behind." She said, heading towards the door.

I nod and watched her leave the house before heading to the hallway.

When I got to the hallway, I spotted four doors, three of which were decorated with colorful posters and stickers. But one, in the middle of the room hand no such adornment,  except the 'go away' mat at the foot of the door.

I almost laughed.

I go to that door and I hesitate to knock on it before wrapping my knuckles against it.

While waiting for the door to open, I thought about all the things I could say to him. I would apologize first of all and hope he forgives me. Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't though.

I heard shuffling from the other side of the door and felt my heart pick up the pace. I was scared.

Scared that he would decide he didn't want me anymore.

I closed my eyes and hung my head low, ashamed of myself.


I snapped my head up and we locked eyes, he looked taken aback by my presence but didn't say anything.

I thought about all the things I was supposed to tell him. Every I rehearsed in my mind. But it all disappeared the minute I saw his face.

I choked on fresh tears and broke down right at his door. It felt good to cry.

But that didn't stop the a sorry feeling  growing in my stomach.

I held my face in my hands and looked up at him as he took a few steps closer to me, closing the gap between us.

My voice came out small and shaky as I was still uncontrollably crying. "C-can I have a h-hug?"

I expected him to tell me off right there.

I expected him to slam the door right in my face.

I expected him to kick me out to cry in the rain again.

What I didn't expect is when he crouched to my size and wrap his arms around me, pulling me in a warm embrace, even though I was soaking wet.

His grip tightened around my waist and I couldn't help but cry some more as his head nuzzled in the crook of my neck.

The way he held me, it was going to get him wet too, but he didn't seem to care and I welcomed the hug gratefully, it seemed like the best warm alternative.

"Oh, Imogen" he sighed, using a free hand to gently brush my drenched hair. "What am I going to do with you?"



I know the chapter was shorter than usual but I had to study for my final exams and just don't have enough time to update too much

But don't give up on me! I'm still trying!

Make sure to recommend to your friends and if you're a fan of tmnt street punks you can go and check out my fanfic 'locked in'

Hugs and kisses!


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