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I and Shane got closer after that week.

Shane's cold façade was slowly fading away at least to me as far as I noticed.
Although that didn't completely renovate Shane's sour attitude.

I didn't mind.

It meant I got to annoy him all the time.

I shut my locker after I had gotten my books from it.
"Y' know what I just realized?" I started, shoving the books in my back. It was amusing how I'd pack up so many books and end up not reading most of them.

Shane shrugged, moving away from the locker he had been leaning on. His voice came out irritable and exhausted, although I knew it was just an act "No. But I'm sure you will so gracefully enlighten me"He said sarcastically.

I gave him a look but that didn't swipe the smug look on his face, even if he wasn't smiling.

I zipped up my bag a turned to him, point an accusing finger. "You always talk to me about my friends but you don't have any friends!"

He raised a perfect brow, "Your my friend."

My arms flew into the air and I gave him an incredulous look. "So you finally admit it!"

Shane started walking towards his own locker and I jogged after him. He turned his head slightly to me. "What are you talking about? I never denied it."

I let out a dramatic gasp. "You liar!" I poked a sharp finger nail into his chest.

He winced and doubled over, rubbing the area I had poked him in. "Alright fine. But, I don't have other friends because I don't need other friends. Nor do I want them."

We stopped at Shane locker now and I waited for him to gather his books. "How? Everyone needs friends"

I didn't see his face due to his wide open locker but I heard his voice. "Not me"

"Sure you do! Imagine what would have happened if I didn't grace you with my presence!?"

I heard a sigh. "Not everyone wants friends Imogen. And not everyone goes on sites to find them"

My eyes grew wide and I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my chest.

Did he..?

"You jerk!" I said, I went over to him and pulled on his ear till it turned a nice shade of red.

Shane winced. "Hey! Ow! Ow!"

I pulled harder and narrowed my eyes. "Did you go through my phone?!"

He didn't answer and I squeezed his ear again, yanking it for good measure.
He let out a squeak and winced again.
"Yes! No.... Maybe?" 
He sighed.

I let go of his hair and frowned. "Shane..." I groaned.

He held both of my shoulders and looked ms in the eye. "I didn't go through the whole phone. It was a notification and the screen was flashing and beeping! I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have done it"

I broke into a smile, just like he couldn't stay mad at me, I couldn't stay mad at him.

"Fine, I forgive you" I said.

Shane gave a half smile then, straightened immediately, putting a frown back on his face. He probably realized there were other people in the hallway.

Not that it mattered. We where just too invisible people trying to get by in life.
He turned his head slightly towards me, "But why though? Aren't you terrified of talking to people online? Do you even have a sense of security?"

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