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3rd person POV

She just stared at him. Thinking of what to say.

She would never tell anyone this, but if I had the opportunity to choose between being I.G , the fun out going girl with a smile on her face all the time or Imogen, the shy vulnerable girl, no one like

She'd choose I.G in a heartbeat.

But she wasn't going to tell him all that.

"Its none of your business!" She huffed, narrowing her eyes at him.

She wanted to keep the angry demeanor.

He sighed and took his hand out of her hair, then he turned on my bed so his back was facing her.

"Okay Imogen.." He started. She couldn't see his face but by the sound of his voice, whatever he was about to say was hard. "You win."

Imogen sat crisscrossed on her bed, so she was directly behind him. She raised a brow. "I win?"

He ran his fingers through his curly hair and she had to resist the urge to touch it.

He continued. "I thought I could just pretend that nothing happened and you wouldn't be mad anymore" he let out an exasperated sigh and took off his glasses and set them next to him. "But I guess I couldn't, because, your obviously still mad"

Imogen cracked a smile and adjusted the glasses she was still wearing.

'Shane and his pride...' She thought

"I don't even know why I yelled at you in the first place.." He rubbed his temples with both fingers in frustration. This was obviously hard for him.
"Jeez, I'm stupid"

"That's true". Imogen chirped, basically grinning at him right now, even though he couldn't see it.

"Yeah.. I guess what I'm saying is.." He hesitated the groaned in frustration.

"Why is this so hard". He said under his breath. She knew she wasn't supposed to hear that, but I did.

She understood what he was trying to say and giggled. Then, unable to control myself she squealed and pounced on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. She couldn't help it. It was like an instinct.

She giggled into the crook of his neck and felt it heating up rapidly.

"I forgive you, Shane". She said, although it came out muffled.

Shane froze completely at first, but then slouched a little. Although, Imogen still saw his ears turning bright pink.

He turned his head to face me and noses almost touched. That's when she realized how close they were. Not that she really minded, but she could tell Shane did.

He realized how close we were too. Because his whole face began to heat up rapidly, turning a nice shade of red. Nevertheless, he gave her a crooked smile.
"I missed you."

Imogen felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest and squealed slightly. "I missed you too ,Shane!"

She didn't understand why she was feeling this way about him. Around Shane, she didn't ever feel shy or have to fake smiles. Just him being him and her being around him made her happy.

And she had no idea she made Shane feel the exact same way.

"Have you eaten?" He asked, staring directly into her bright orbs.

Imogen shook her head ,unable to wipe the goofy grin of her face. She got of him and sat next to him, careful not to break his glasses. "Are you going to make something for me?"

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