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Life skills.

I sighed and balanced a pencil on my nose in boredom as the teacher talked on lazily about roles of the family or something.

To be honest, the only reason I took this class in the first place was it was either this or accounts.

And I thought life skills would be easier for me,because it was mostly making food and sewing clothes every once in a while, which u adored more than anything but I found it extremely boring just hearing her drone on and on and her usual monotone voice didn't help out at all.

"Ms Davis, that thing your doing with your pencil? I would appreciate it if you stopped" the middle aged woman, with short brown hair with a few white strands, Miss Carter, stated.

The whole class snickered and i slowly brought down the pencil,as I hung my head, my face turned red.

"Y-yes miss Carter"

She sighed and went back to talking and I found myself bored out of my mind again so decided to doodle some comic that came to my mind at the back of my life skills note.

Suddenly the door burst open and two guys walked in.

"Wow, Michael and Shane, nice of you to finally show up in the middle of class" miss Carter said sarcastically
I looked up and almost gasped.

The first guy, Michael, was the most attractive looking guy, he had gorgeous sky blue eyes ,he was very obviously muscular and his brown hair was ruffled in a cute way, he gave miss Carter a guilty smile, showing of his pearly whites and I almost melted and so did the other girls.

The other guy, Shane, didn't seem as enthusiastic as the first one, he had dark green eyes, and wore dark rimmed glasses over them and his black curly hair stuck out of his beanie in all directions, he was cute, but definitely not as cute as the first guy,and not as muscular too.
But he looked at least fit.

He studied the class with a bored look, like he couldn't care less and then his eyes met mine.

I gave him a half smile but he gave me a face and quickly looked away.

I glared at the back of his head in annoyance.


"I'm letting you off the hook now, because your new. You can sit wherever you want" miss Carter dismissed.

The only empty sets were in front of me or behind me and I couldn't help but eternally squeal.

But unfortunately, Michael at in front of me while Mr grumpy pants sat next to me.
I stared at the back of Michaels head for a while wondering what to say to him.

Danggg....this guy looks so cool, I bet he's going to be popular in an instant, then he's going to make all these popular friends or whatever.
I need to make sure I make friends with him first..
But what do I say?
Do I just go say 'hi'?.., no that would never work, I need something more intriguing..
Maybe I could pretend to bump into him in the Hall way and then he'd drop my books and we would touch hands trying to pick it up..?
No gross, that ones overdone
Oh maybe-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping the back of my hand.

I looked up and saw that Michael had turned around in his seat to face me, and had an eyebrow raised in expectation.

"Um, yes?" I asked, embarrassed that I was too zoned out to hear him the first time.

"Did you draw this?" He repeated, directing to the comic at the back of my note.
"Depends?why do you ask?"I said suspiciously
"At the back of your life skills note?." He asked, his blue eyes twinkled in amusement.

"If you think this is bad, you should see my physics note." I joked, as he laughed a little.

"What's even going on there?" He asked, holding in a laugh.
"T'isnt obvious?"
"Not really"
"Well obviously, this is me, and these are my friends and there boyfriends and we're going to the movies " I stated proudly, pointing to one section of the comic
"How come you drew yourself hotter than everyone else?" He laughed quietly, directing to the part where I'm a freaking super model in stick form while everyone else were drawn like trolls.

"Well I'm not gonna draw myself the ugliest!" I defended, smiling a little.
"What if you friends saw that, it would totally kill there self esteem?" He joked, running his fingers through his hair.
"Good idea!, I'll show it to them after class!" I beamed innocently, my ocean blue eyes glimmered with excitement.

We kept on talking quietly and laughing a little bit and I couldn't help but notice Shane glancing at us every once in a while but then suddenly a loud cough interrupted us.

"Mr Baker, and ms Davis, I'm glad you two are getting along, but not during my class" miss Carter said, while everyone in the class stared at us, except Shane, who couldn't care less and was writing down what the teacher wrote on the board.

"Yes miss Carter" we chorused.

He gave me a smile before turning back in his seat and I couldn't help but smile back.
That went so well!
Not long after, class ended and I stood up to pack my books and get to the next class.

"Hey, I didn't quite catch your name" Michael called ,before I could leave
I smiled at him "Imogen, but no one calls me that so just call me I.G"
"Alright, I.G, I'll see you around, make sure to show that comic to your friends!"he laughed.

" I will!"I cheered, skipping to my next class.
Nothing else interesting happened after that class, it was just the average after that.

I'd go to different classes and maybe goof off with some friends.

Time passed quickly and the dreaded lunch time came.
I met up with them at my locker .

"Awwwn, you guys waited for me!" I cooed
"We weren't planning on leaving without our short stack"Quinn smirked.

I ignored the nickname but my heart fluttered at that sentence, it always made me feel important.

" Awwwwn, I'm special " I smiled
"Of course, wing woman of the century" Jacob winked, ruffling my hair and throwing me another one of my quotes.

I growled at them ,then suddenly smiled

"Hey guys, wanna see the portraits I drew of you all!" I beamed sweetly, pulling our my life skills note

Jayden and Desmond raised a brow "at the back of your life skills note?"
"Why do people keep asking that?"
"Cause your not supposed to draw at the back of your notes!" Camari pointed out.
I rolled my eyes and showed them the drawing.
"Don't they look, exactly like you, its like looking in a small mirror" I said as they stared at the book.

"Heyyyyy,how come your hotter, than everyone else?" Kyle asked suspiciously.
Jacob gasped "And you didn't even capture my muscularity!"
"My drawings, only speak the truth" I defended
"Ouch" Camari joked

I laughed at that and smiled lightly, these are the kind of moments I enjoyed, the kind of moments where we would all joke and laugh around with each other and I would be even happier anytime I was the cause of such laughter.

Like we used to before they all started dating.

But I was okay as long as they weren't rubbing there romance in my face.

Camari gave me back my note and I paused to place it into my bag and zip it up carefully and when I looked up they had already left.

Gone on without me.


What do you do in class when your bored?😖

What are your thoughts on Shane?😶

What are your thoughts on Michael?✨😍

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