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I slumped on Michael's bed sighed dramatically. "Isn't studying the most exhausting thing in the universe?"

Micheal chuckled and laid next to me so close our elbows touched. I was oddly disappointed by the lack of sparks it brought.

Three weeks ago, my elbow would have been on fire.

"So," He started, "Proms coming up."

My eyebrows shot to the top of my forehead.

I totally forgot about prom. But I remember always anticipating it. A date in hand and a first kiss to make me feel complete.

I don't really think I need that anymore.

"Oh, yeah. The prom." I involuntarily snort. "I forgot about that. What are you doing for prom?"

He shrugged, then gave me a lopsided grin. "I think I'm going to ask someone. You?"

"I'm gonna bring the largest handbag I own and stuff it with snacks for days," I smirked at the thought but abruptly remember Micheals's first words. "Wait, who are you going with?"

"Not sure I should say...."

I push him. But it's only enough to annoy him. Not shove him off the bed. "That's not fair. You can't just start and leave me hanging!"

He raises a brow and turns his head to the side. "I'll give you a hint.." He trails off. "She's blonde."


"Dammit." He mumbled, he put both arms behind his head. "I thought I was being real anonymous."

I laugh aloud. I saw this coming. I expect jealousy to creep into me and swallow me whole. Consume me.

I expect my eyes to well up with tears. They don't. In fact, I feel...... Relieved?

I smile at him, a genuine one. "I'm happy for you, bro. When are you going to ask?",

He sits up and gives me a wide-tooth grin, excitement evident in his features.

" Well... I haven't really thought about it too much.."

"Yes, you have."

"You know me too well."

We talked all night about his plans for Angel. I'm not going to lie, every once in a while when he'd gush over Angel, I felt a pang of jealousy. But it was always washed away the bright smile on Michael's face.

"Well, it's getting late. I should start going." I say, exaggerating a yawn to prove my point.

"Yeah, I'll walk you home." Michael offered, getting off his bed and walking to my side.

As we left the room I noticed how quiet the house was. I raised a brow. "Where's Shane?"

Michael shrugged. "I dunno, he left early this evening and hasn't been back yet."

My brows draw together with worry. "That's not good."

Michael opened the door for me and I was immediately hit with the late-night breeze. "He's probably fine, I trust he'll be able to take care of himself."

I hum in response but I can't help still feeling worried." Are you sure?"

Michael nodded. "Positive." He gave me a sly smile. "Why? Worried?"

I playfully nudge him. "So what if I am?" I bite my lip. "He's my friend after all."


"Yes, that's what I said."

"Haven't you ever thought about being more than friends?"

Before I even realized I liked him.

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