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Seeing as I was already late to begin with I didn't have the time to go meet up with the group like I usually do, plus, I didn't really want to face them today, considering there were busy all weekend and Camari responded to my text the next day with an 'lol',which really ticked me off.

I strolled into class and noticed that the teacher had turned to the side, meaning I had the opportunity to sneak in.

I quickly crawled to my desk and slide into my seat quietly without the teacher noticing, I sighed in relief.


I rested my head on the table and soon the teacher started talking about a practical assignment we would be doing today.

I removed my head from my desk and listened with a new found interest in the class.

Ohh, practical

"OK students, since we have been recently talking about family planning and such in our classes, so now we will be doing the classic baby project!, these babies cry and eat like actual living babies,and need to be fed and cared for the way real babies do, also we can monitor how you take care of them,when the band on your baby glows green, your taking great care of them, however if it turns red, your a horrible parent" The teacher said.

Some people cheered while others groaned, I glanced at Shane who seemed unhappy with the practical.

"Yay!" I cheered, I loved practical projects in life skills, that's one of the reasons I took up this subject.

"Excited?" Michael asked with a tinge of amusement.

"And you all will be getting partners!"miss Carter said

I smiled at this, I hoped me and Michael would be partners, it would be perfect to bring us together.

"The dolls will be given to you with its wrist bands already green and it will stay green if you take good care of it, but it will turn red if you don't take good care of it" she further explained
A kid raised there hand "what if the wrist bands don't glow at all?"
"That means its dead!"there was a collective gasp after hearing this.

"Alright I'll call out the names!" the teacher announced enthusiastically.
She called out a few names, which I ignored because they weren't important to me.

"Michael Wright and Annabelle millers"
To say I was disappointed was an understatement, I glanced at Annabelle who seemed extremely happy with the pairing.

Michael turned to me" dang it, I was hoping we'd get paired"he pouted playfully
I laughed at that" whatever, its still cool" I said, pretending like that wasn't the best thing I've heard this morning.

"Shane kings and Imogen Davis"

I paused.

I glanced to my side, where he was sitting and stared at him.
"What?" He raised an eyebrow
I smiled deviously "looks like were gonna have a kid together"
Michael snorted at this and Shane turned a bit red.
"Don't go around saying things like that,Imogen" he stated, adjusting his glasses and looking away with an annoyed look on his face.

For some reason that annoyed look on his face made me laugh, he got annoyed by almost everything I did and I found it amusing.

"Awwwn, are you blushing?" I cooed ,with a new found confidence ,I reached to pull his cheeks and he quickly slapped my hand away.

I gave him a side smile and retracted my hand.

"Stop it, your being inappropriate!" He huffed.
"Leave him, he's always this boring" Michael said rolling his eyes at Shane and Shane just ignored him and played attention to the teacher.

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